MrB and I are on a whirlwind trip to Los Angeles. Last night, we went to The Weinstein Co. pre-Oscar party, where we discreetly ogled the dashing actor Colin Firth, who is sure to win an Oscar for his work in The King’s Speech.
I continued my non-wardrobe-remixing tradition by wearing nearly the exact same ensemble I wore to the Independent Fashion Bloggers Evolving Influence Conference two weeks ago. What can I say? MrB loves the “VIP” dress, and I aim to please.
What Wendy Wore
Dress: Vintage Moschino Couture from (2011)
Tights: Fogal
Shoes: Prada (2010)
Ring: My own onyx skull design
Unseen Earrings: My own Hathor design, carnelian side out
Lipstick: What else? Lasting Lust by MAC
Makeup: By the wonderful Stephanie Daniel
Harvey Weinstein himself exclaimed, “How do you walk in those shoes?” as I was coming down a staircase while he was coming up. “I do many things well,” I assured him, pretending to clasp his hand warmly while secretly holding onto him for dear life.
In this shot, the careful observer might note that I look slightly different than I did in my last outing in this dress.
Ahem! That, my friends, is thanks to the Fashion Forms U bra, a scary-looking but highly recommended foundation garment.
MrB also wore something new, but in his case, it was a Kiton tie. Look how nicely it matches the floral arrangements in our hotel.
Gotta love a guy who complements the centerpieces.
I love this dress + shoes on you, yay! And love how MrB’s tie matches the flowers – they look like they’re exactly teh same shade!!!
Love this outfit, tres chic. Your husband looks very dapper too. x
Those ARE some pretty sky high shoes there, missy. I bet you had a great view from on those, of people’s bald spots and down the odd cleavage. 🙂 You look very unique as always. I realize this sounds like a roundabout way of saying “Not digging your outfit” but on the contrary, I meant it in a good way!
OMG you look soooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!! You rock girl :))
Have a lot of fun!!!!
You look so good in that outfit it would be a crime not to wear it again. xxx
You look wonderful as per usual. I bought a similar bra once but returned it due to the fact that I felt like I was wearing an instrument of torture. Maybe yours is more comfy? Your boobs look awesome!
Hi my dear-wow, looking stunning indeed and the bra looks and sounds fabulous, I must check this out!! MrB looks great too, thats a lovely picture of him! xxx
Sorry, I didn’t read a thing you wrote because your chest was staring at me…
You and Mr. B both look smashing! Have a wonderful time at all of the festivities this weekend!!
That dress is hilarious! I completely love it!
You look fantastic!
im excited about the oscars 😉 your smile is so contagious. hope you’ve enjoyed all your weekend so far dear
The Oscar for most adorable couple goes to…..Wendy and Mr.B! Have a fantastic time. Give Colin our love.
I love love love this outfit!! And MrB. looks fantastic!! Did he plan for his tie to match the flowers? Hehe. When you gripped onto Harvey, did you dazzle your rings in his face? I hope so!
Oh, how exciting! You had me at ‘Colin Firth’ and ‘U bra’. Great outfit (and cleavage) and I’m loving the shoes. I’m fascinated by the tie + centerpiece match. Almost a shame you can’t carry the flowers around with you!
You gotta love centerpieces that complement the GUY!
You’re both gorge, as usual.
Damn Wendy, how do you score that invite to the Vanity Fair Oscar bash every year?
I like the way that Mr B complements the table decor!
Not every year! I wish!
Loving this dress. And those shoes are amazing! My feet are spontaneously blistering just looking at them. You get mad respect for wearing them without toppling over. Mr B looks fabulous too!
They were actually quite comfortable when not walking down stairs!
This is so lovely that I am happy to see it again. And I love Mr B’s co-ordination. Did he phone ahead to check? 🙂
Looking fab as always, Ms. Wendy! Nice rack, hee hee.
Oh those shoes!! You both look smashing! Hope you’re having fun on your trip! I wish that bra came in my size!
Wendy….you both look seriously awesome…what a fab event to attend!!
TOTALLY in love with those shoes!!!
Love it! Mr B looks flash. As if Harvey isn’t used to heels what with Georgina tripping the light fantastic in her vertigo inducing heels!! Is Colin divine in the flesh? Tell all.
you look HOT!!! You have the BEST clothes (and jewelry!!!!)
Yep, Colin Firth just won! He’s something else! Just as you and MrB are in your fancy duds for the fancy party.
Your makeup is totally stunning! You’re glowing! You picked a great dress
My makeup-artist friend Stephanie is SO talented! I heart her.
Hey, check this out… So VIP!
You and MrB are always attending the most fab events! I’m in awe of your social calendar 🙂
You and MrB look fab! And thanks for the hawt tip on that crazy bra. Definitely a must for any deep plunging neckline.
Dear Wendy, fab dress and shoes. Thanks for the tip about the U bra. I’m off to check it out xx
That VIP dress is very clever (and gorgeous on you). Oh, and you were right about the lovely Mr Firth (of Forth to us Edinburghers – sorry, Scottish joke!). xx