I guess I’m in the mood to keep the party going, because I can’t stop my (online) window-shopping for vintage dresses with big, bold, bright patterns. Here are three that caught my eye. The first one is by Balmain.

1980s Balmain dress. $420 at C. Madeleine’s. Click to purchase.
The other two are from one of my favorite fashion houses: Versace.

1990s Versus by Versace. $800 at Shrimpton Couture. Click to purchase.
They’re loud and they’re proud! Love ’em.
They are all dress-tacular, but I don’t know how you can pass up the first one. Swirls on your . . . um, bodice. Thanks for sharing.
I was thinking it was the next best thing to a Gaultier cone bra!
They are fabulous…I think the last one is my favorite!
I’m partial to that myself. But I like all of them!
thanks for including our Versace Wendy! You would rock any of these (of course!)
If it were just a little smaller…it’s so beautiful.
All fabulous dresses! My favorite part of the first dress is how boobtacular it is. Go out loud and proud! (Maybe being of the ittybittytitty committee makes me over the top sometimes) ;P Wish I had a party to go to. I am doing an e-party for my birthday this month. I’ll hope you’ll join it, Wendy!
Of course, I’ll be at your e-party!
#1 is the best! i could totally see you wearing this!
happy new year to you!!!!
Ooh, I can totally picture you in the 2nd one the most. Those are amazing dresses – wow, they really did patterns and colours well. I would wear the first one – yeah, baby!
They’re all purty.