I’m starting to think I might be some kind of rap goddess … or maybe just a prophet, leading nonbelievers to the promised land of hip-hop. Last year, I got my non-rap-fan sister to stand 9 1/2 hours with me to see Eminem at Lollapalooza. This summer, I took MrB to his first rap concert when Jay-Z and Kanye West performed in Paris. And this Wednesday, I convinced designer Stacy Lomman — who hates all rap except for the Beastie Boys — to travel to Brooklyn during a nor’easter, on a subway system that hadn’t fully recovered from Hurricane Sandy, to see Alabama-born rapper Yelawolf.
The show was originally scheduled for March, but it was postponed when Yela ruptured his spleen while stage-diving. (This has been my year for getting tickets to concerts that are canceled due to a performer’s health.) Even when I first got the tickets, I was thinking, “Am I really going to go to this show?” I’m usually too lazy to haul my ass to Brooklyn for any reason whatsoever. It’s not like I can’t find shit to do in Manhattan, where I have the advantage of knowing my way around all the neighborhoods. But I met my gorgeous rapper friend Gangsta Boo because of her collaboration with Yela on the song “Throw It Up,” so I feel sentimental about the guy.
As the rescheduled show drew nigh, Sandy took out mass transit for days and I thought again, “Really?” Finally, a nor’easter was predicted for the day of the concert. At that point, some people might have thought, “This is a sign it’s not meant to be.” Instead, I decided, “This is so ridiculous that I have to go.” I emailed Stacy, telling her, “It will be an adventure!” (I used similar reasoning on my sister.) Stacy asked, “Yela who?” but said yes. So, we put on our boots, puffa jackets, Stacy Lomman-designed arm warmers, scarves and berets and took an hour-and-a-half trip to Brooklyn Bowl on a night when all reasonable people were staying in. Stacy wrote about our journey and the show on her blog.
Because of the weather, the venue wasn’t as crowded as it would have been normally. All the people were diehard fans who were nice and friendly. We got there a few minutes before Yela came on and breezed up to the front of the stage, which made me happy. I find that, at my advanced age, I can’t get excited about a concert (or fashion show) unless I have a great view. No need for me to stand in anyone’s back row anymore, thank you very much. Been there, done that, get me up front or get me a chair.
If you’re into Yelawolf at all — or into rap in general — and have a chance to go see him, I recommend it, because he’s a dynamic performer. Even Stacy was impressed.

Yelawolf goin’ hard.
The only disappointment was that Boo wasn’t there to do her part of “Throw It Up.” She should’ve been! The audience was totally into the song when he did it; they would have gone crazy for Boo. (Boo, I sang all your lyrics!) Singer Fefe Dobson, Yela’s girlfriend, didn’t get on stage to perform their collaboration song, “Animal,” either, but he proudly pointed her out in the balcony twice and spoke very lovingly about her. He kept his hat on, however, so I didn’t get to admire his Fefe head tattoo in person.
Yela, when you’re ready to pop the question to Fefe, holla at me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com because I’ll design you rings that will complement your romantic head tat. Actually, I’d like to do some non-wedding jewelry for Yelawolf too. I couldn’t take my eyes off his chain during the show. It was a skull, and I love skulls (see the header of this blog). It looked like it was yellow gold — my fave — instead of the white-metal “bling” that has been the standard look for male entertainers for over a decade. Also it appeared that the skull’s jaw was hinged, and jewelry with moving parts is one of my specialties. I generally don’t spend so much time thinking about jewelry during a concert (unless I’m in the process of losing a treasured earring) but the subject was on my mind because I almost had the perfect ring set to wear that night. Unfortunately, I recently sold my last “E” ring and the replacement hasn’t come in yet. I couldn’t go to the show wearing this:
Wouldn’t those look good — with the “E,” that is — in yellow gold with diamonds on Yelawolf’s digits? I want to do that. I wound up wearing my swear rings instead. Can’t go wrong with those. I never got around to taking an outfit picture, but, because I was wearing a black turtleneck and black jeggings, you can just look at a picture of Mike Myers from Saturday Night Live’s Sprockets skit and get the idea.
Nothing I could have worn would have compared to the audience member who was dressed in a black-and-white cow outfit, complete with a hood with ears. He definitely won that night’s fashion stakes (steaks?). Stacy danced with the cow boy into the wee hours at a bar we all went to after the show. See? I told her we would have an adventure and I delivered. I’m a woman of my word.
UPDATED TO ADD: Stacy got one phone picture of me wearing the swear rings that night.

F@#! nor’easters!
Wendy, I’m so glad that you decided to go! I saw Yelawolf 1 month ago when he came to Dallas (I tweeted you on my way to the show!) and I had such an AWESOME time too! The funny thing is…I’m not even a die-hard rap or Yela fan, but from the few songs I knew beforehand, I could tell 1. That he is EXTREMELY talented & 2. That he would put on a GREAT, high energy show! And he did not disappoint! Like you, I dragged a friend w/ me who didn’t know who he was & didn’t care for him & even he was really impressed & had an awesome time! It was such a cool experience being surrounded by the die-hards who knew EVERY line to EVERY song!
PS. Did you get to see Rittz perform? He opened for Yela & everyone I went w/ agreed that he stole the show! If you’re not familiar w/ him, you should definitely check him out…I love his singles “Sleep at Night” ft. Yelawolf (the music video is entertaining too!) & “High Five…” I have NO idea how someone can rap that quickly!
ANYWAY…all that to say that I absolutely LOVE your enthusiasm & how you didn’t let the weather/circumstances stop you from going to the show! I’m so glad you & Stacy went & had a great time! I think he’s really going to take off & get a lot more popular soon, so it’s nice to get to see him in a more intimate & accessible setting!
Yeah, I thought if I didn’t go someday I’d be very sorry that I missed seeing him in that venue! We missed Rittz’s opening act because of the hassle getting there but he was great when he came on to perform with Yela!
PS. I TOTALLY agree that Yelawolf needs some custom pieces from you! That would be so sick! Can’t wait to see that collaboration happen, for REAL!
“get me up front or get me a chair”
I need to get this printed on a tshirt.
Send me my percentage if you sell it 😉
You really can talk people into anything – and make them love it. 🙂 Fantastic adventure! Stacy’s side of the story was hilarious too.
Wendy has magic powers!
I was laughing out loud at her post.
We were supposed to be Sprokets for Halloween!
I still feel kinda bad that I broke the cow man’s heart! LOL.
He was moooooved by you.
Oh boy, a man dressed as a cow? Sounds like my old nights in Vegas.
I’ll have to keep an eye for Yela to see if he ever makes it to the Bay Area.
So funny. I would NEVER have considered rappers but you turned me on to Eminem and my son is still impressed! Yelawolf sounds cool.
You gotta give him a listen. Try “Pop the Trunk” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np3pU-dLok4
Freak out your son a little more.
The horns articulating on Don’t Make Me Go Pop the Trunk are perfect! And geez, Yelawolf seems even tighter than Eminem enunciating every single word with the vowels right on the beat, in time, just like a well-trained UK choir boy. Impressive!
Next time I go to a rap concert, I’m bringing you !