Model Gisele Bündchen, wife of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, has been getting grief for her unsportsmanlike conduct after the Patriots lost the Super Bowl. Leaving Indianapolis’s Lucas Oil Stadium, she was trailed by cameras and a classy guy who yelled, “”Eli owns your husband!” — referring to Eli Manning, quarterback of the winning New York Giants. As she waited for an elevator, with her back to the camera, she could be heard saying, “”My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can’t believe they dropped the ball so many times.”
Yeah, okay, this is not the sort of trash talk anyone wants to be caught saying. If Brady openly criticized his teammates for dropping the ball every time they did — and if they, in turn, gave a press conference whenever he made a bad throw — they’d be unable to work together. Back in my journalism days, everyone I knew preferred the style of printed corrections at my employer, the Wall Street Journal, to the ones at the New York Times. The Times still cites an “editing error” for mistakes that run in the paper. My attitude was, “How about all the errors the editors catch? They get no credit for that but you’re going out of your way to highlight the mistake? Just say there’s a correction, period, without placing blame.”
The thing is, Gisele isn’t on the team, and what spouse wouldn’t think and possibly say something like that? If anyone, anywhere, breathes a word of criticism against MrB, my private response includes a large number of variations on the word “fuck” as well as musings on the incompetence and ignorance of the critic and predictions of long sojourns in the fires of hell. If I were stressed out, being yelled at by people, and had my back to the camera, I HOPE I’d remember that the camera was there and I shouldn’t talk shit, but I couldn’t promise you that I would.
So, like Jason Gay of the Wall Street Journal did in this amusing article, I’m going to stand by Gisele. That said, she made a bad mistake a few months ago, when she modeled two of my rings for the first issue of Harper’s Bazaar Brasil.
Through the stylist at the shoot, I offered to let her keep some rings — my first foray into celebrity gifting. To my dismay, she broke up two of my four-ring swear-ring sets in order to keep the exclamation point from each set. That screwed up my inventory, but worked out well for my customers because I felt obligated to start offering the exclamation point ring separately.
But, obviously, she should have taken the whole swear-ring set.
If Gisele had chosen her jewelry more wisely, she could have kept an enigmatic Mona Lisa smile on her face after the Super Bowl and let her fingers do the talking. The swear-ring set is my offering for Day 10 of my Valentine’s Day Countdown. If you have a high-profile job, get this design for your honey, so she all she has to do to show her support for you is let the naysayers talk to the hand.
Silence can be golden, yep 😉
You have the gold rings to prove it.
I’m just going to pray for Gisele, that her crappy life somehow gets better….I need a ! ring for every digit..!!!
Swear Rings Rule !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha!! I love your writing Wendy! I’m glad she made a mistake because now I get to own an exclamation ring 🙂
those swear rings are really, really awesome. love them!
and, like you, i also stand by gisele (and i don’t even care for her or the patriots). but i think, as a wife, she can say that to defend her husband, especially against some heckler. she’s not on the team so she shouldn’t get the same flack that a teammate would. also, did you hear that a NY Giant was calling her out saying she should shut up and do what she does best, which is look pretty? that is totally uncalled for.
That Giant’s comment was so gross, I don’t even know what to say about it. I guess the appropriate response is, “Shut the fuck up, it’s not even your team that she’s talking about.”
Clearly, you should be Gisele’s flack and jewelry advisor.