I asked my gorgeous nephew, Sebastian Berry, to write a post for me.
Unfortunately, he is illiterate and has two left feet when it comes to typing.
“asdfkajdgs345o8dgkjdlk;d ncdfakl adoifgjg3ra9odfB1.,jupf.cseb dv kmfgs≥lijaer;obdfjlsrv fsgeAILjheraglgdvmklcl/WRGIHGDZ;sxfjg2q-0fsj;svg;;.dfbje3p0[1qlfsgj;sflpis;fljbg;psop;adfgj.”
Makes about as much sense as most stuff you read on the interwebs, actually.
UPDATED TO ADD COMMENT OF THE DAY: From Najeema: “And you know, he has the blogger style down pat. Slightly ironic tshirt and no pants. Toss in some ripped stockings and fake eyeglasses and he’ll be the next big thing on Lookbook!”
That made more sense then some of my blogs when I start to write too early in the morning and before sufficient caffeine!
Oh he’s so gorgeous, look at that chub!
I’m so so broody!
Hahaha, he’s adorable. And you know, he has the blogger style down pat. Slightly ironic tshirt and no pants. Toss in some ripped stockings and fake eyeglasses and he’ll be the next big thing on lookbook!
How I love chubby little baby calves and feet . . .
What a bushel of Berry you’ve got in your lap there!
I think with some guidance from his aunt Wendy, he can be quite computer literate in no time…
Gotta love the chubby baby legs. What a cutie, makes me miss my nephew even more!
I’m all about baby chub!! Too delicious for words! But, I have to say, Miss Wendy, that you look gorgeous holding a baby!
i love the chub feet!
wow, the combination of the cute baby feet over the computer and the adorably un-understandable note is the sweetest thing ever!
and definitely makes more sense than most things I write pre-spellcheck.
My cats would publish similar treatises, if I’d let them.
Hi there-thats such a gorgeous picture of both of you, he is just the cutest!!
Sure, it’s cute and all, but did you people even read what he wrote? It’s intelligent, concise and needed to be said. This kid is going places!
Those are some mighty cute chubby legs and feet. And look at his intense stare into the computer…genius, of course!
That’s a beautiful pic of you and Baby Berry… I want to eat those toes!!! nom nom nom
Oh, his cheeks are so bite-able! Love these photos.
Master Sebastian has fewer typos that any of MIss J’s posts. Plus he’s cute as can be.
oh hows adorable!<3 <3
Peace and Bows…
damn he’s a pretty good blogger already!
oh sorry, i meant ‘darn’
Aww! He’s so cute and chubby! I can barely remember when my nephew was that small (he’s 3 1/2 now)
Eeee I can’t stop grinning! 😀
You know, that might be baby code for something really profound! Like the time I got an encrypted email from my friend L. that featured every character on the keyboard in an ongoing page of gibberish, but that actually said, “John Fluevog is having a sale!”
Aww so cute! I love babies chunky feet!
Nom nom nom! Deeelishus!
Vegetable Assasin: Hahaha! That was G-d trying to intercept your shoe buying.
i <3 chubby babies! look at his feet…omg, he's too adorable. he needs his own blog.
omg how adorable!
I jus’ wanna SQUISH those little sausage legs, yummu!
hahaha! and he needs a slightly ironic onesie! i know there are baby stores in williamsburg.
He is so cute!
He is so adorable feet.
big kisses (lol). Janet
Ohh – what a cutie! What does his t-shirt say btw?
His grammar is better than mine!
Those adorable creased ankles! So cute.
He’s adorable!
Yes! Get that baby a lookbook page asap!
Cuter than a kitten! Though I am not a huge fan of children, this kid is an exception: the chubby baby appendages! Eee! (And, of course, relationship to the fabulous WendyB)
i want to elope with ure onyx skull ring. i melt.
I think your nephew’s post is better than mine on most days, I am in AWE. This kid is going to go places!
He’s so freakin’ adorable!!!
Wendy, never work with babies or animals; it’s a career killer.
Cutest. Blogger. Ever!
oh my god, those chubby little feet…soooooo cute!! I want one, I want one!! 🙂
So damn cute – my cluckiness circuits are now in overdrive!
Oh, yes, he’s adorable. And I’ll bet he smells so good, most all of the time!
The part about “dv kmfgs≥lijaer;obdfjlsrv” is hilarious. I was totally going to say something like that in my next post. Hard to keep up with younger, hipper bloggers.
Ahhh he is scrumptious!
Might try and decipher what he typed….he could well be saying something truly significant….
Evil Genius’ post just made me larf out loud. Not a BWAH laugh but a nice high-pitched chuckle. I did not burp the alphabet out of my nose or any other such nonsense sorry to tell you.
If everyone was impressed by the feet, for your next meeting with Sebastian Berry, you could highlight his thunder thighs.
Proud Mama (okay so being proud of cute baby fat is strange but so far he has not shown his genius. he’s only a baby after all — give him time!)