I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
The Guv'nersays
W. T. F?????
I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
The Guv'nersays
W. T. F?????
I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!
You stole my post….You pre-read my mind. That is: you had the idea way, way before I had it (about a year) but I woulda had it eventually. Damn. Ok. That’s total bullshizz. You are a genius and I love this photo with all my heart.
Miss Janeysays
haha what a hat!
walken is awwwesome. I get so happy whenever I see him in a movie! What years was it that Adam Sandler and those guys were on SNL? I’m trying to remember… I know it was before I watched the show but those were such good days.
Nice hat.
Wendy, have you seen today’s Dress a Day post? It’s a match with your fish shoes.
La Belette Rougesays
That guy reminds me of Yukon Cornelius in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
LOL, Angela! Thanks for the great message, was out wandering around town.
pistols at dawnsays
That is my new favorite hat. I’m not buying it, because I made a commitment to dressing like Napoleon a decade ago, but I will laugh at it.
Haha, that’s awesome. Love it.
I should buy EVERYONE in my family one.
Bobble Beesays
this is definitely my husband’s present this Christmas!
Boy, a brigade of these mustache hat-wearing minions could really do some damage. They’d be able to trample the city and wreak havoc in complete anonymity!
W. T. F?????
I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
W. T. F?????
I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
W. T. F?????
I have no words. I especially like the mustard moustache. Divine.
Scary. Yet hilarious.
You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!
You stole my post….You pre-read my mind. That is: you had the idea way, way before I had it (about a year) but I woulda had it eventually. Damn.
Ok. That’s total bullshizz. You are a genius and
I love this photo with all my heart.
haha what a hat!
walken is awwwesome. I get so happy whenever I see him in a movie! What years was it that Adam Sandler and those guys were on SNL? I’m trying to remember… I know it was before I watched the show but those were such good days.
Nice hat.
Wendy, have you seen today’s Dress a Day post? It’s a match with your fish shoes.
That guy reminds me of Yukon Cornelius in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
LOL, Angela! Thanks for the great message, was out wandering around town.
That is my new favorite hat. I’m not buying it, because I made a commitment to dressing like Napoleon a decade ago, but I will laugh at it.
Haha, that’s awesome. Love it.
I should buy EVERYONE in my family one.
this is definitely my husband’s present this Christmas!
Yup, I want that. And their sealpelt, that too.
Boy, a brigade of these mustache hat-wearing minions could really do some damage. They’d be able to trample the city and wreak havoc in complete anonymity!
Or, they could just keep warm in wacky style.