Wishing a very happy birthday to my wonderful husband! (Yes, I know the photo is of our wedding cake, but no birthday cake pictures were immediately available.)
what an incredible-looking cake! again, too pretty to ruin by eating….. 😉
That’s quite the cake! Happy birthday to him 🙂
Beautiful jewelry, by the way.
– Lillian from paperchandelier.net
In Yr Fshnsays
What an awesome cake. Happy B-day, Wendy’s husband!
Happy Birthday Paul!
PLEASE tell us more about this cake!!! WOWZA
Paris/Carol, I will find a better picture of it (I’ll have to scan it, this was my only digital). This really isn’t even its best angle!
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Love, bb
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Love, bb
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Love, Barbara
Geez, BB, you love him, you really love him! 🙂
Yes, I really love him. 😀
And those jewels!!
Well, you can say happy birthday a thousand more times in person 🙂
Hippo Birdie Paul
(My word verification for this post was oygybby — hee!)
Ooh, that’s my new favorite word!
Oh wow. Ya’ll’s cake was FABULOUS!
Happy, happy belated birthday to Wendy’s husband!
Thanks Chanel! I’m showing him all the comments 🙂
Who made that cake?!?!?!?! Wendy, you are simply fabulous…cake, dresses, jewelry and all!
Thank you, Naki. A baker named Ron Ben-Israel did the cake. He later did the same design in different colors for a magazine… you can see it on his website if you Google him. At the time, I was slightly crabby that I didn’t get some kind of cake credit. LOL.
what an incredible-looking cake! again, too pretty to ruin by eating….. 😉
That’s quite the cake! Happy birthday to him 🙂
Beautiful jewelry, by the way.
– Lillian from paperchandelier.net
What an awesome cake. Happy B-day, Wendy’s husband!
Happy Birthday Paul!
PLEASE tell us more about this cake!!!
Paris/Carol, I will find a better picture of it (I’ll have to scan it, this was my only digital). This really isn’t even its best angle!
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Dear Paul,
Happy birthday to a terrific guy.
Geez, BB, you love him, you really love him! 🙂
Yes, I really love him.
And those jewels!!
Well, you can say happy birthday a thousand more times in person 🙂
Hippo Birdie Paul
(My word verification for this post was oygybby — hee!)
Ooh, that’s my new favorite word!
Oh wow. Ya’ll’s cake was FABULOUS!
Happy, happy belated birthday to Wendy’s husband!
Thanks Chanel! I’m showing him all the comments 🙂
Who made that cake?!?!?!?! Wendy, you are simply fabulous…cake, dresses, jewelry and all!
Thank you, Naki. A baker named Ron Ben-Israel did the cake. He later did the same design in different colors for a magazine… you can see it on his website if you Google him. At the time, I was slightly crabby that I didn’t get some kind of cake credit.