Good news! As you could tell from yesterday’s post, I survived my third Coachella … and, once again, I did it without using alcohol, drugs, or face paint. It’s possible, so don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
My Day 1 was actually Day 2 of the festival’s first weekend. I missed Friday, when The Weeknd headlined, because I was still in New York, participating in two panels for the Initiatives in Art and Culture annual gold conference. (One of those panels deserves a post of its own; stay tuned!) That was okay because I’d seen him in 2015, plus I figured I’d be in enough pain after two festival days.
After getting to my hotel around 4 a.m. on Saturday, I opted out of the all-day wait required for a front-row spot at Beyoncé’s performance that night. I didn’t get to the main stage till 4 p.m. for Nile Rodgers and Chic.

Nile Rodgers and Chic.
That meant I waited a mere seven hours for Beyoncé. Lazy, right? But seriously, folks, after the mind-blowing show Beyoncé put on, I had some regrets about not getting there at 11 a.m. like a true fan. And I say that even though my concert-loving friend Jessie and I wound up right off the catwalk that brought Beyoncé, her dancers, and band through the audience.
Yep, I’m ridiculous when it comes to live music. If there’s such a thing as “being closer,” that’s where I want to be. In my defense, there was a marching band with complicated choreography to appreciate.
And that dance-off with her sister Solange? The Destiny’s Child reunion? Jay-Z? My lower back wound up killing me anyway, making me wonder if I would have been better off with a front-of-the-stage barricade to lean on!
I will confess that I was truly in so much physical pain during and after #Beychella that I thought, “I’m too old for this; this is my last marathon concert wait.” However, post-show, as the crowd dispersed, I kept overhearing the kids describing their aches and pains to each other, so then I thought, “Fuck it, I’m okay.” I definitely wasn’t as shell-shocked as the exhausted dude — I’d guess 20-something — who had desperately wanted to leave before well before Tyler, the Creator, came on around 8 p.m.

Tyler, the Creator.
Normally, at festivals, there’s movement in the crowd between acts, but no one was budging ahead of Beyoncé. The guy couldn’t get out! Seriously. He tried and got nowhere, so he returned to our corner where he was able to sit down and take a nap during Tyler’s set (that’s quite a feat). I’m pretty sure he was forced to stand through Haim …

… and then, of course, Beysus.

From what I heard after, he enjoyed the performance, even though he only saw it because he was trapped by the Beyhive, so that’s either a rave review or Stockholm syndrome.
I took an outfit photo early in the day when I was feeling fresh. If I go next year, I should take one at the end of the day too just to see how much of a wreck I am.

Skull t-shirt: Birthday gift from 2016, I think. I wore it last year too!
Bandana tied at neck: Lady Gaga/Alexander Wang from Coachella 2017
Denim jacket tied at waist: Vintage Kikit (bought from eBay in 2015)
Other stuff tied at waist: New merch + long-sleeved t-shirt
Shorts: Acne Jeans (purchased as regular jeans in 2008, converted to shorts in 2015)
Crossbody bag: Prada (Birthday gift. I have to figure out the date)
Hat: Philip Treacy (2011? I wear this to every outdoor concert.)
Boots: Fiorentini + Baker (Bought secondhand in Paris, 2013)
Tomorrow, I’ll blog about Day 2 and get my photos on Flickr.