Can’t find the jewelry design of your dreams? Let me make it for you! I do custom engagement/wedding rings in both traditional and avant-garde styles. I can also do any other kind of non-wedding jewelry. Want a big tiger ring? Got ya covered.
Fancy cufflinks that look like your dogs? Sure thing. Want to put your own spin on one of the pieces from my collection? Check out the amethysts I added to my standard Evelina ring for gorgeous blogger Marian Kihogo.
Recently, a gorgeous client from Canada (yes, I can work with international customers!) asked if I could set a diamond she already owned into one of my sterling-silver Lotus necklaces. She mailed me the stone so I could take a look at it. Even though the gem was bigger than the ones I normally use for the lotus, I was able to adjust the design to accommodate her diamond.

The custom silver piece with a larger-than-usual stone.
Another gorgeous client wanted to give a friend one of my silver letter necklaces. While the ones I produce for my WENDYB by Wendy Brandes collection tend to be funny and provocative, I was happy to adjust my tone to please a yoga enthusiast.
I explained the process and prices for custom work in this 2010 post. If you have any questions or wish to place a custom order, holla at me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com.
Woohoo! I got such a kick out of seeing my lotus necklace on the blog. I get to feel famous, and have a nice bit of bling.
Normally, I would have had a professional photo taken of it for the record, but that takes a couple of days, and I want you to be able to wear this ASAP!