My latest Minx manicure by celebrity manicurist Tracylee Percival is called “Japanese Blossoms.” It’s a teal Minx design with birds and flowers that is layered over gold Minx. (What’s Minx? Click here and here for more information.)
In the photo, I’m wearing my Medici poison ring. Lindsay Lohan bought one of my Medici rings in 2007 or so, when she was only mildly troubled. I’d be amazed if she still had it.
You can follow Tracylee on Twitter at LuxebyTracyLee. You can follow Lindsay Lohan by reading Los Angeles-area police blotters.
My anti-spam word should be your next customer, though I’m afraid her spray tan may rub off on the rings, earrings and necklaces she may buy from you in the future. She’ll make the ladies on the Shore jealous, though!
I’ll be on the lookout for any Medici rings on eBay, btw… just in case. 😉
“You can follow Lindsay Lohan by reading Los Angeles-area police blotters.” Hahaha! Classic.
That teal and gold combo is fantastic. Love the ring as well. I wonder what LiLo stored in hers?
What a fantastic manicure! A perfect match to your Medici ring! Now that I type “Medici” I’m missing Italy … sigh
Haha! SNAP!
I love the nails and the ring is gorgeous…. seriously!
Love that mani soo much! Gold accents on nails are driving me wild these days!
Cute nails. Was that when Lindsay Lohan was a fashion designer?
Before that.
Amazing manicure, darling!
And I love that ring!
Love your new nails and your gorgeous ring! I especially love the one gold nail.
The ring is just so gorgeous that it was hard to concentrate on the manicure. That is also art in itself~
Hahaha!! At “You can follow Lindsay Lohan by reading Los Angeles-area police blotters.” =)
Love the nails!
Love those minx manis. I wish they were available in Oz. We only just got shellac manis and they cost a fortune.