One good thing about the French scaring me half to death with their traditional Bastille Day flyover was discovering gorgeous blogger Claire from The Fashion Bomb via Twitter, where she, like me, was bitching about having a 9/11-type fright. Turns out Claire is a Hotlanta-native-turned-New-Yorker who is finishing up a two-year stint in Paris. We arranged to meet at Cafe Etincelle.
Before getting together with Claire, I checked out her blog (motto: “All urban fashion … all the time”). One of her regular features is Fashion Bombshell of the Day. Readers send in their pictures, Claire puts them up, and the commenters go all Hot or Not on a bitch’s ass. They don’t hold back. Here’s a sample comment from MrsBliss about Ivory of Los Angeles: “I’m sorry but her looks are geechi at best and all the same (repeat offender!). The chinese store plastics and greasy hair & skin is a DON’T …” Holy crap! I guess I was too focused on Ivory’s great smile, hair and attitude to notice all of that.
I wasn’t dressed to impress MrsBliss the day I met Claire so I had to ban her from posting a picture of me on her blog. But that doesn’t stop me from sharing a photo here. Check out Claire’s Grace Jones t-shirt.

Claire and WendyB having a twins moment with shorts and sunglasses.
What Wendy Wore
T-shirt: Splendid
Shorts: Sanctuary
Sunglasses: Prada (2010)
Bag: Sonia Rykiel (2009)
Shoes: Vera Wang Lavender (2010)
I didn’t realize until I saw the picture that I had gold studs on my shorts and silver studs on my purse. It’s starting to look like I have a stud obsession. But I got those shorts because they were the only black shorts in my size in a particular store when it was 103 degrees out and I NEEDED to get out of the jeans I was wearing. I barely noticed the studs. Honest!
Hey, you keep telling me it’s OK to mix your metals, so go with it! ;-p Seriously, you look fabulous there, as does Claire. I’ll bet the young French guys are all coveting that Grace tee…
Mixing metals doesn’t bother me (I’ve got two platinum rings, one silver and one yellow gold on now) but I need to chill out on the studs or people will mistake me for Kate Lanphear and we wouldn’t want that!
I LOVE the glasses. The two of you are adorable.
you guys both look fabulous!
Claire seems nice… like the kind of person who would give you the shirt off her back. Ask her because I WANT that Grace Jones tee!
i didn’t notice the studs and last time i checked your blog community didn’t judge like that-or if they did they didn’t leave comments saying as such?
you look dahling as always.
you are resolved of your dueling stud collision. just as long as you don’t pull any geechi shit, it’s all cool. that’s what happens living life in the spotlight.
Both of you look HAWT!!! xoxo
by the looks of your smiles you had a blast 🙂
i really love your sunnies!
Vive le studs! I love those shorts.
oo, great site, you guys looks super cute
Eh, the studs are fine – don’t worry about ’em. You look fabulous in purple! Wow!
Awww I love it! You two look great. I love the Fashion Bomb, it’s one of my favorite blogs.
loving your bag and your shoes!
ooo how fun! u both look great! nothing wrong with mixing metals;) love those shoes, wendy!
Your studded ass needs to take a detour to Greece!
Still loving the glasses – didn’t notice the studs on shorts ’til ya mentioned them!!
Loving the studs. And guess what, my anti-spam word is “attitude”. That says it all.
yeah lovin’ the glasses – I’ll be in NY in August do you want to meet up?
You both looked super summery in your shorts! Love your shoes Wendy and adore Claire’s hair.
How cute do you both look? LOVE!
You guys look awesome for a quick afternoon lunch! How you girls manage to stay so consistently fabulous, I don’t know!
thank you for your comment
awesome blog!
I’m in favor of an ongoing stud obsession. Never enough studs!
Gorgeous sunnies, WendyB. They look so yummy! 🙂
I followed the link and saw MrsBliss’ actual comment, lol. I don’t think my frail self-confidence can take that, I hope she never lurks around my little blog, lol!
You on the other hand, will get MrsBliss’ approval quite easily with this outfit. Love the purple/black combo!
Mixed color studs in one outfit is the next.big.thing.! I saw it here first!
You two look fab!
Love the sunglasses!