Today I had a make-up date with the guy I stood up yesterday, Henry teh 8.

I guess he forgives me, because I'm still in one piece.
In a moment of fashion insanity, I did NOT wear my Boleyn necklace to the Henry VIII exhibit at the British Library. What was I thinking? To make matters worse, I was wearing my Cleves ring. Sure, Henry had Anne Boleyn beheaded, but at least he had been wildly in love with her. He never even got busy with Anne of Cleves, damn genius though she was. My favorite item in the exhibit was a prayer book that AnneB and Henry passed back and forth during Mass, writing little love notes to each other in it. How cute! I went back to look at that a second time.
I wore my new Castelbajac shoes today. They matched almost every color in my Francis patchwork plaid jacket.

I'm wearing the rainbow!

The shoes in a London taxi.
This was officially “kings who marry their late brothers’ wives” day, because after Henry, we went to see Hamlet. Thank you, gorgeous Fiona, for arranging those tickets. Jude Law starred, and his delivery of that great line, “To WendyB or not to WendyB…” was flawless. Wait? That’s not the line? WTF! I’m insulted. Anyway, despite that blow to my self-esteem, the performance was excellent. Also, I was mesmerized by Jude’s hairline. I think he should win two awards: one for him and one for his hairline. It was so expressive! But don’t worry, Sam Waterston’s eyebrows! No other arrangement of hair will ever take your place in my heart.
The other delight was MrB, who, as we walked back to the hotel, said, “That guy who played Hamlet was really good.” I said, “That guy was Jude Law.” MrB said, “THAT WAS JUDE LAW?!” Alas, poor MrB. I gave him hell.

A prince of a guy.
those shoes are so much fun!
I love your patchwork blazer…I so can’t wait for the next collection and you better believe I’m going to jump before the pieces I love are gone next time!
love reading your london adventures! the rainbow looks very good on you 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhh, those shoes are so fab!! Sounds like you’re having a helluva good time!
Great historical references, and awesome stylish blazer as hanako66 mentioned.
I don’t know whose delivery was better: Mr.B’s or Jude’s!
The shoes are superb with that jacket. Now try ’em with the kilt pin skirt!
love the jacket, great fit! and the shoes are so fun!
i wish I could go to that exhibit & see jude law!
Cheers to plaids!
you look so happy+adorable!!
I hope everyone realizes the sheer genius of your writing. Awesomeness.
Glad you had fun. =D And yes, the rainbow looks very cute on you.
Oh, I love this post! I’m a HUGE FAN of the whole Henry-Anne love affair (even if it ended very badly) and I would give anything to see that prayer book!
P.S. The shoes, my dear, are perfect. And Mr.B is adorable!
If Henry teh 8 ever got to meet you I feel sure he would have proposed to you.
Could you see the love notes in the prayer book? What did they say? It is sort of the old timey version of texting each other during vows.
I love your outfit… and those shoes are AMAZING!!!
So pleased to hear that you are taking advantage of all things cultural on your visit to London! How much longer are you over here? You must visit the Fashion and Textile Museum if you haven’t already:
Hi there-adoring those shoes, how fabulous!! The exhibition sounds great and I’m intrigued about Jude Law in theatre, great to hear his performance was good though!!
You’re in LONDON????!!!!!
i’m really enjoying your daily london update, looks like you’re having a wonderful time
Love that blazer on you. Sounds like you are having a great trip. When are you coming to Australia??
Love that Francis patchwork plaid jacket very much on you!!!
YOur Castelbajac heels are beyond beauty!!!
Enjoy your London trip and have a sunny weekend!!
Fascinating story! And your shoes are wonderful!
WOW! Those pumps are really perfection. I want!
Have a great weekend!
A “fellow of infinite jest”?
Your shoes are amazingly fantastic.
love the jacket! and i hear hamlet is getting rave reviews, esp. law’s performance. how cool you got to attend!
p.s. my anti-spam word for this comment is “dagger”. i thought it was rather fitting for the post.
I don’t think my husband even knows who Jude Law is…I’ll have to ask. It sounds like your having a fabulous time and your looking fab whilst fabulosing.
I don’t know what to be more envious of — the H8 exhibit, or seeing Jude Law as the Dane. I’m so happy you’re having a great time, though 🙂 And killer shoes!
Wow! What an amazing day and those Castelbajac soles are
to die for,Oops I forget Henry VIII may be lurking about, but they are quite charming!
Thanks for taking us on those wonderful exhibits with you! I’ll see them….someday 😉
Wish I could be there to check out that exhibit. I’m obsessed with Henry too…and the show about him. Great pics.
You’re just so doggone cute, WendyB, you and MrB both! I’ve enjoyed catching up with your trip. What a great string of days and fun and fashion and history, all except for the frightful five. Persevere, dear.
THAT JACKET IS AMAZING! you have the best style, so open minded and fresh! love it!!
That blazer is so faab!!!
awh and i heart you shoes more….
mind exchanging links?