The movie The Warriors was a major inspiration for my designing friend Christian Francis Roth’s “Gangs of New York†Spring ’09 collection. In the movie, all the New York City gangs declare a truce and meet to discuss forming a super-gang to take over the city. When the gang leader who called the summit is assassinated, the Warriors are blamed for it and have to fight their way through hostile territory all the way from the Bronx to their Coney Island home. It would be gross exaggeration to say that the following clip from the movie contains the most annoying audio ever recorded, but if there’s ever a vote on that sort of thing, this will be my write-in candidate.
Luckily, I didn’t have to fight anyone on my way to Coney Island and back yesterday.

Cha Cha's has entertainment for the "hole" family.

As close to the water as Christian wanted to get.

I love fireworks.

Proving that I took the subway home.
When I got back to Manhattan, I fought my way through a crowded bar to hear my gorgeous friend Jen sing. Yep, not only does Jen dance and stalk celebrities — she sings too. Congratulations, Jen! You were great. Can’t wait for the next performance.
UPDATED TO ADD: I had no idea that folk singer Arlo Guthrie was born in Coney Island till I just read it in the New York Times. If you want to hear Arlo pla-a-ay, he’s giving a free concert in Battery Park on Thursday, June 30.
Nathan’s hot dogs are the best on the planet. Oh, I wish we could get those here.
I cannot believe that I haven’t been to Coney Island in years and I live in NYC. Disgraceful.
What a fun day! 😀
There is nothing better than a Nathan’s hotdog – well a Papaya King hotdog, but you know what I mean. I really miss that. And I heard the they are renovating Coney Island, I hope so, I have such fond memories of it. It would be a shame for it to fall into ruin.
ooh….craving….a hot dog. YUM 🙂
I would love to try one of those hot dogs…right now, xv.
I loved Alice’s Restaurant when I was a teenager – looks like you had a good day.
i’ve never been to coney island! i must go.
you look beautiful!
i regret not visiting coney island when i went to NYC last summer!
also your hair looks super cute in that last picture!
Coney Island looks like so much fun! *Sigh* I want to live in NYC so badly!
Thanks, Lexie. The humidity destroyed my carefully straightened hair…that’s basically my natural look!
The Warriors! Many a night was spent watching this with my brother back in the 90s when it seemed to always be playing on cable.
Best Warriros reference i ever encountered? While walking through the tunnel under the race track in Del Mar, California after seeing The Violent Femmes play there…someone started yelling “Warriors! Come out and Playyyyy!” to hear it echo and it brougth smiles ot quite a few faces in the crowd.
Cool the movie inspires people even to this day…years after it’s release.
Someday…I will see Coney Island.
You have no idea how much I miss the boardwalk..
Hi there-sounds like you’ve had a fabulous day out, I haven’t had a hot dog in ages!!
The hotdogs looked great, Yum! And I agree your hair looks very nice “au natural” xxx
that movie sounds awesome and would make for really cool and unique fashion inspiration!
I’ve never had a coney island hotdog, that should be next NYC visit goal hehe
what is with all of these free concerts in NYC? my east village friend was planning on attending a free concert in the park featuring two bands I had paid money to see back in MN haha
That sounds like so much fun!! and I agree with Ashley how I want to move there.. I will be heading there again next month at least 🙂
oh how fun. i love fireworks too!
I need to go to Coney Island next time I’m in NY. I trust you’ll escort me so as to keep the crazies and carnies away…
Yum,yum,yummy! That Nathan’s dog is making me hungry and OMG! You are the only person I have ever seen eat a hot dog and still look GORGEOUS !!!
P.S. Glad you had Fun !!!
Has anyone told you lately how great your cleavage is?
coney island is a photographer’s dream. everyone needs to go at least once in the summer! 🙂
Sister Wolf, weirdly enough, that very night, some dude told me I had “awesome tits.” (No, it was not Christian!) At 21, I would have been disgusted by that. At 41, I nearly ran a victory lap around the room.
Oh my, how wonderfully fun, Coney Island sounds so amazing!! And I absolutely love The Warriors, if only for the gang costumes. I loved that baseball playing gang. Hope you had a beautiful weekend 🙂
I love “The Warriors” (we own the soundtrack – used to have it on record!) and have always wanted to visit Coney Island. Did you know that “coney” means rabbit? There were so many rabbits on the island, they gave it that name, back in the day when coney was a regular word. Which is to say, far back in the day!
Oh, how fun, WB!
I need a Nathan’s dog now!!
I just adore Coney Island and Arlo G – “Alice’s Restaurant” is the best song but I only hear it around Thanksgiving…
I love that my anti-spam word was “GAY PAREE.” LOL.
As for Coney Island, I only recently visited (after living in the city for over ten years!!) and LOVED it. Such a delightful treat!
Ha-ha!! I had a Nathan’s hot dog yesterday too. So did Lily. It is a small hot dog world after all.
It looks like so much fun!
Well I’ve never been to Coney Island but I can see it’s nice now. Next time in NY…
I love that you need evidence to show you took the subway.
Coco, trust me, no one would believe that without proof!
I’ve never been to Coney island… i must go. now.
Is Miss Wendy now inspired to create the Warrior Bottle Ring?
Much to the hubs disgust I adore hot dogs, especially those gleaned from street vendors. Someday I must make the trip to the mecca that is Coney Island. Ah ha
I love Coney Island!!!
I have never been to Coney Island! I haven’t lived! Just need to remedy that ;D
Omg I live in queens and have still been to lazy to work my way over to Coney Island this year lol maybe next week =) Nice blog
Gee, WendyB, one more Cha on that sign and I’d think you were photographing my favorite tasty and inexpensive Mexican food eatery here in Portland. The guys ate supper there after coming back from hiking above 8000 feet and spending last night around 5600 feet, on Mt. Hood.