My peeps, I didn’t win, but I am feeling very good about coming in third in the Best Fashion Blog category in the 2008 Weblog Awards (I guess it’s as official as it’s going to be at this point). I am just a little personal blog, while the winner and the runner-up are big, high-traffic blogs. I think I made a pretty strong showing, considering! And it’s all due to you gorgeous bloggers, commenters, lurkers, clients, family members and friends who voted for me day after day. Thank you!

There are some days when I wonder, “Why the hell do I have this blog?” And then I remember it’s because I’ve met all these awesome people — quite a few in person and the others just online. I really appreciate everyone who has been supportive of me since the July 2007 inception of this blog, whether you’ve commented, campaigned, purchased jewelry or merely created a shrine to Sam Waterston’s eyebrows in your home.
At this point, I feel I should start hyperventilating, crying and thanking my makeup artist until you all writhe with embarrassment. But why bother, when Kate Winslet already did it for me? Take it away, Kate!
Even if I hadn’t won the bronze medal for fashion blogging, the following email might have been reward enough. GeorgeB, aka Dad, campaigned furiously for me all over the world and got this reply from a friend in China:
Hi,I Have read your daughter ‘s blog,and voted for her twice.i really think her blog is very exllent,her smile is so sunshine. I told my colleagues about this story and let them voted for her,and send message to every friends whose telephone number stored in my sellphone ,but almost of them send back to me:’sory,i don’t know any English word,don’t how to do”HA HA,it’s very finy!! you are a very nice dad! i hope you tell your daughter ,the result is not important, we can enjoy the process, the more important thing is her votes ,some from china! she has fans in china!
When I read this, I felt like all was right in the world: I do have a very nice dad, my smile is so sunshine, I am enjoying the process and HELLO TO MY PEEPS IN CHINA!
Whooooo! I voted twice every day (from each of my computers).
Anyway, I will be back to blogging eventually. I just need some time to clear my head. 🙂
love that email 🙂
Congratulations, lovely lady, you deserved higher because you are foxy!
Boy, I sound creepy huh.
Aww, that e-mail is cute. 🙂 Good job, WendyB!
Congratulations! I would never have known about Coco OR Queen Min if not for you.
I third up against those bigshots is FAB! Congrats. I’ll be in NY in April – We’ll have a drink to celebrate.
I LOVE that, and aim to use it sometime this week: “Your smile is so sunshine”… so lovely!
Congrats on coming third!!
That is the sweetest e-mail ever. I’m a little misty! We’re still proud of you Wendy – an awesome result for a little fish in the big pond, right?
And I’m going to post a pic of my rack tomorrow on Rocketradio – just for you baby.
I alternated voting for you and for Winona (I’m Sorry! I was TORN!) and I feel like all is right with the world because I helped you two come third and fourth.
That is so sunshine.
Just have to say one more time – if you’re hosted by Celebuzz YOU ARE NOT A BLOG.
Thank you.
Voters in china, bravo! and you weren’t censored out, double bravo!
did she say “thank you for making me look …. um…. old”
I think it is beyond adorable that your father got his friends to vote for you! And you did awesomely – esp. given the big box competition.
Great story. Your dad is adorable.
Congrats on the 3rd place finish! And your smile is so totally sunshine–I couldn’t agree more with that statement. 🙂
You should so win the award for best campaigning and having the most Chinese fans 🙂
boo to third. you are number one with me. so much sunshine radiating out of your ass. makes my day every day.
Congrats on the Bronze!
I did my best, short of having dead people vote for you.
Now do I get a link on your blog roll?
Just wanted to say congratulations on your bronze medal!
OMG, I’m part Chinese and none of my peeps have ever said my smile is so sunshine! I’m so jealous – bah!
Sweet, you have fans in China! That is awesome. Keep on keepin’ on, WendyB. You rule!
Congratulations! 😉
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Kiss + Hug For U, Shelly
Congratulations! 😉
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Kiss + Hug For U, Shelly
lol…I just realized why my comments were not showing up (you have to approve them first)? I thought I was going crazy.
I think I commented the same thing to you over and over like too many times to count. Sorry about! Need to pay attention!
lol…I just realized why my comments were not showing up (you have to approve them first)? I thought I was going crazy.
I think I commented the same thing to you over and over like too many times to count. Sorry about! Need to pay attention!
Esther, you better come back! Don’t worry, I won’t force you to dress like….well, I don’t have to name names.
Shrimpton, it made my day.
Tonyspunk, I love pervs. You’ve come to the right place. So to speak.
KD, Thank you!
CDP, And those are two invaluable things to know about.
FLS, I would love to meet up. Awesome.
Little LJ, best phrase evah.
Katrocket, I was misty too! I’m a pretty proud guppie right now. Can’t wait to see the boobs.
Sarah Rose, so basically we had a threesome?
TSB, I’m going to let you be my spokesman on these things, so I can pretend I’m ladylike and polite.
Fashion Herald, the censors must be sleeping on the job, because…hello!
PPIEW, yep! Have you seen that movie?
K.Line, thanks! Yeah, Dad was really working his contacts.
Alicia, I think so too.
Lisa, I think you’re so sunshine as well.
Shannon, I don’t know if I was the best, but I might have done the most campaigning!
Diabolina, and you are always an A++++ to me.
Belle, Oops! I didn’t have you there already? Fixed!
Naomi, thanks!
AsianCajuns, well, *I* think you’re totally sunshine.
Isabel, thanks!
Shelly, hee! No problem. I deleted one duplicate. I didn’t moderate originally but then I was getting some annoying spammer who left shady-looking links.
Congratulations!!! I have to tell you that I don’t like those high volume blogs. I never visit them. I never will. Not my cup o’ tea, noodles or coffee. I love you, your blog, your smile, your dogs, your fish feet, your butt bows, your jewelry and many other things.
third is better than fourth non…I think you are still amazingly fabulousss!
Congrats on your bronze! Is bronze in or out? I think you should bring it back this season. No one wears bronze anymore.
Third place is better than winning, because now you won’t have your life taken over by Clive Davis.
Umm…I may be thinking of something else.
Three is one of my favorite numbers!
Any time you want to come play board games, honey, with Mama and me, you come right on over. We’ll get situated at the table and have an ever lovin’ blast!
I visit blogs not for their traffic but presence, writing, so I second the OP comment.. Congrats on third, it is well deserved, and although I am new to your blog I love you already for pointing me towards D. Brooks..
Your blog is awesome, Wendy – you don’t need an award to confirm that! It is the sunshine in my life. Keep up the amazing work, lovely lady x
That’s really great. And to place higher than the Manolo is something, as well, I think . . .
Your smile
Wow…that definately makes it all worth while doesn’t it?!
And I’m with Beckeye…I love bronze…and copper.
Not too shabby, lady! All that hard work browbeating … I mean campaigning paid off. 😉
i admit, i voted more than once for you, too. top 3 ain’t too shabby!
I thought I would tell your peeps about Mike. I met Mike on a cruise down the Yangtze River in June 2006. He is a very pleasant person and he told me about his family and goals. He has 2 children – a daughter about 13 and a son about 7. His wife was a school teacher but lost her job when the second child was born. His goals include building a house with enough room for his parent who currently live in a small village about 3 hours away. In his New Year email he wrote that the house has been built. We had a great time in China and Mike was a big part of it.
I think we all know that you are the REAL Winner here! I mean, come on what a great Dad…AND your rings were in W…can the competition say that? I think not.
Well done, WendyB!
I’m amazed by the comment left by your dad. It’s fantastic that someone in China is reading this space.. Internet after all!?
Sad to know what she lost her job because she had a second child. Are they still enforcing one child policy over there!? Kerazy
Dont forget about your peeps in Kuwait!