I didn’t expect this, but my Marie Claire essay is now available online. I hope you peeps who bought the magazine won’t be demanding a refund. You did get an extra photo in the print version. Maybe that counts for something.
I will give you two more photos here. When we did the shoot for the story, I started out with my favorite faux-ny tail hairstyle. But after the test Polaroids, I was deemed to look “too Asian,” especially in the green dress. I want to make it clear that this was only a problem because I’m not Asian. It is TOTALLY cool for Asian people to look Asian in Marie Claire.
Here are the Polaroids (via photographer Anna Wolf):

But they wanted me to be very serious to match the story.
NOTE: If you are a new reader who is wondering what the hell is going on here, read this post for the 411.
Hi Wendy- I JUST read your essay in Marie Claire when I was on a plane flying back to Boston. It was a very nice piece, plus I feel a little celebrity shocked knowing that we read each others blogs!!! Your picture looked gorgeous btw 🙂
Jesus christ superstar comment overload!!
Congrats wendy. Im going to find this marie claire at the library soon!
Shoeaddict – you’re right. I’m 60!
Sonja – Thank you.
Sister – I do believe the makeup artist used a lipstick from her kit and I have no idea what it was! I’m going to start doing some red lipstick posts though.
PAD – Yeah, I didn’t like that part either.
Suze – I always feared that a certain actress would be found dead with my Medici ring in the vicinity of her nose, but thankfully she seem to be doing much better. Well, thankfully for her. But I would have gotten a lot of press.
Anna, thanks!
Sister, I’m sure Suze’s ass is worthy of a blog.
Julie, thanks!
Eli, LOL!!
I’d do that too.
“I’m 70”
“WOW you’ve aged nicely”
“why thank you”
Loved the essay, thanks for sharing your story. I was intrigued by the title-“Secrets and Lies.” My mind wandered all over the place wondering what it could be about: was your partner an embezzler? Meth addict? Drug dealer? Cross-dresser secretly in love with you? But clearly I was headed in the way wrong direction on that whole train of thought.
Well-written and I love reading your blog, too. Thanks, WendyB!
LOL @ “cross-dresser secretly in love with you.” I can’t say I would’ve chosen that headline myself, Becky. I’d say there were more secrets than lies.
you look AMAZING for 60! you don’t look a day over 32! ;P
i came across this randomly and was so excited for you (not due to the subject matter but for getting the piece run!) congrats!