I’m another year older today and I think I’ve hit the age where I can scream at disrespectful youngsters and say things like “kids these days!” So mind your manners or you will rue the day I was born.
Anyway, here’s a photo of Mom, aka BarbaraB, taken just over 40 years ago. I was running late as always. What? Don’t judge! Creative people are often very disorganized!
During my teen years, when I was disrespectful, Mom liked to tell me that if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have been born. Um, okay. That’s true. But the way I figured it, if I hadn’t been born I wouldn’t be crying over it. Because I wouldn’t exist. Since I did exist, I would just go back to listening to Duran Duran on vinyl.
More recently, my mother asked if December 23 would be about celebrating her and the opportunity she gave me to exist. I thought that was a little Joan Crawford of her, but whatevs. Here is your ticker tape parade, BarbaraB. Please share it with GeorgeB and thank the Yankees and the nice person who posted it on YouTube.
Meanwhile, I’ll be celebrating with Mini Me. I don’t know what low-priced auto insurance has to do with birthdays, but I’m not going to argue with Mini Me.
UPDATED TO ADD: This is a nice gift! Gorgeous blogger Altamira put up his photos of our meeting the other night. But he only put up photos of me so now I will share a joint photo!
I feel my jacket with the two ladies on it deserves a name. Like “Gossip Girls” or “You’ll never walk alone” or “People are talking about me behind my front.”
My gorgeous friend Andrea, the ladies on my jacket and I cuddled up to Simon, one of the owners of Butter. As you can see, Simon has a way with the wimmins. What a flirt!
HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! may your year be full of drinks with Coco wearing latex and boob bows!
your mom is beautiful, but hey what did I expect???
Thanks BarbaraB for giving me someone to stalk!! that truely is the gift that keeps on giving!
BWAH HA HA HA! She’s going to love that, PPIEW.
Happy Birthday!!!!
Sorry i couldn’t make it on Thursday I was recovering from too much partying!
Have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday & happy holidays! :]
Happy birthday, Wendy! I hope it’s a great one, and that you have a fantastic year ahead.
I hope you have a great birthday!
Btw I passed this one blog-challenge on to you:
I hope you have a great birthday!
Btw I passed this one blog-challenge on to you:
I hope you have a great birthday!
Btw I passed this one blog-challenge on to you:
Happy Birthday, Wendy! Hope this birthday brings you all you desire and much more. I was hoping to find some great fish shoes for you.
But, as I didn’t, thought these might amuse.
I’m with you… who cares about Geico.. it’s Mini Me and he’s funny! (although… he was funnier on “The Surreal Life.. you know.. peeing everywhere when he was drunk and running around on his little “Hovaround”) ha..ha.ha..
Happy Birthday!!! Oh..and Merry Christmas!!!!!
happy birthday, dahlin! i’m playing duran duran right now in your honor! xoxo
Hi & Happy Birthday!
I just stumbled across your blog and think it is great! I would love to exchange links with you! And add your shopping links to my main site too! Let me know!
Happy B Day to you Wendy B!
Thank you for the birthday wishes, my peeps. Thanks especially for not including The Number in your comments,unlike my friends and family who can’t seem to get enough of it.
Happiest of Birthdays to you, Wonderful Wendy! I never would have stuck around with this whole blog thing if it weren’t for you. Please promise to keep writing forever?
Only if you promise too, Jenn!
Happy birthday indeed! The reason your mom is a better parent than I’d be: I go for the potato sticks every time.
Also, the idea of teen you sullenly listening to Duran Duran and thinking, “Only Simon understands” is a holiday gift of hilarity.
PAD, it was really John Taylor with whom I saw eye-to-eye about life and love.
Happy Birthday gorgeous!
And I’m already saying ‘Kids these days…’
By kids, I mean teenagers in gigs sloshing their drinks all over the place making me jealous and outraged all at the same time…
Happy Birhtday! Be sure to give your mom a present too! Haha!
In response to your earlier post, I love Garbage!
Thank you, Susanna and PIB!
Happy Birthday! (From the other Wendy B, whose birthday, oddly enough, is 5 days before yours …)
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday ♥♥♥
Happy Birthday! Without you? Who would I have to annoy growing up? I love the Joan Crawford reference. I did used to call mom Mommie Dearest to her face every so often although she never liked that. (Mom if you’re reading this, just kidding.)
Love, Terri Berry
🙂 Great picture. Yohji Yamamoto meets vintage Moschino.
I vote “People are talking about you behind your back” as the name for that glamorous, amazing coat.
Who knew?
Bonne Anniversaire and bla bla bla
Happy Birthday! And I love your mom’ s style too. 🙂
Happy happy birthday, Wendy!
I’m a little late, but no reason to not extend the celebrating a little bit 🙂
HAPPY BDAY! Your mom is gorgeous.
Remember don’t settle for less on Xmas!!
Happy Birthday to my very favorite member of my entourage!
joyous birthday and merry christmas Wendy.
Hi Wendy
Happy Birthday!!! You dont look a day older !!I am at that age where I truly can say”these younsters nowadays!”
Merry Christmas
Feliz Navidad! And “shen ri kwai luh” – don’t try to pronounce that lame phonetic translation of mine, just imagine someone speaking Mandarin to you.
Happy Late Birthday, WendyB! Your mother is gorgeous in that photo, as are you in the ones taken at Butter. Hey, how about this for a name for the jacket, Tammy-2-Tammy, after their tam o’shanters?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a really really wonderful day and truly, there is no better way to drown your sorrows or teen fantasies than listening to Duran Duran on vinyl.
Except maybe watching their faces when you tell them that their last album was so hideous that even though you bought a zillion copies to help boost sales, you were using the cds as coasters. That made for a good chuckle.
happy birthday you she wolf awesomeness–hope it’s a day of ossie wearing goodness!
i wonder if coco knows how much you heart her?
happy birthday!
i have been less than diligent in blog reading this holiday season and look at all that i’ve missed. here’s wishing you a happy belated birthday and a happy new year!