My peeps, you may enjoy the dulcet tones of my husband, Paul Steiger, in his NPR interview here.
Here’s some more reading.
This is a good interview from January 2007:
While I’m reporting on the family news, I thought I’d share this photo from BarbaraB‘s birthday dinner at Pastis. Doesn’t Mom look lovely? And check out my hairy purple jacket!
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If you hadn’t figured this out already I am a total nerd, and i listen to NPR at night before bedtime. I am always looking for stuff to dwnload and listen to so thanks I will look forward to listening to this!
Wow, you guys look great!
I also listen to NPR every single day – I would go crazy without it.
You look so pretty there, I’m going to listen right now 🙂
He has such a nice voice! so smooth!
Gonna go listen to the dulcet. I’m also a major NPR fan, but they have that stupid fundraiser going on for what’s felt like YEARS and it’s driving me crazy!
Also, adorable pic of you two kids.
There was a quarter page AP thing in Newsday this morning, too.
Thank you!
Yes, your mother looks lovely in the photo. So do you in the hairy purple jacket. I also adore the other photos of BarbaraB. Mothers are most special, I believe with all my heart. Right now my Mama is sitting in her recliner across the living room, working a crossword puzzle, something she loves to do. She’ll tell you she’s glad she can still see well enough and sort of write well enough to finish them, at the ripe old age of 81.
Oh, how nice! Say hi to your mom from the B family!
How do you manage to look so good in all your photos, no matter what angle they are taken from and no matter what you wear? You look perfect everywhere.
Olga, I throw out all the ones I don’t like!
Please send my praises to Mr. Steiger. I’m proud there are still people fighting for investigative reporting when most are just pro government, pro this and that just to get by.
I’m back from the long holidays of Eid, and I’m delighted to find your blog as meaty as ever. Thanks!
You’re a splitting image of your mom, isn’t that great? At least you know you’re gonna grow old beautiful!
I am very happy that your husband makes clear Pro Publica is a non Partisan effort. Frankly I think that partisan politics is the ideological ruin of genuine political dialogue in this country…
LOL, Wendy, that’s the most effective tactic for sure.
you look absolutely stunning in the first picture with your husband! u have a GORGEOUS smile!! and that purple jacket is awesome and very daring!