Gorgeous blogger Val Sparkle — fellow aficionado of Seinfeld and Family Guy — posted her very own puffy shirt on her blog yesterday.
Quite a few wimmins have emailed or tweeted me to tell me about their own puffy shirts since I posted mine on Tuesday. I think I should do a slideshow of puffy-shirt people. Send your puffy-shirt photos to me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com for a future post. Don’t forget to tell me where the shirt came from, why you like it and if a low talker convinced you to wear it.
I sent you one : >
Wow, thanks for the big ol’ shout-out, Wendy! You’re the best!
I can’t wait to see everyone’s puffy shirts and read all their Seinfeld references!
I’m so in! I’ll be wearing my puffy shirt tomorrow.
Can’t wait to see it!