I was very excited to get the “Superior Scribbler” award from gorgeous blogger Lizzi.

I humbly accept this lovely graphic.
As I read her post, I thought, “Cool, she picked me!” and scrolled down to see the rest of her list. Then I realized I WAS her list. It’s all about ME! Okay, in reality, Lizzi was too tired to think of anyone else. But who cares? I still feel like Sally Field on Oscar night.
My blog is normally a place where tags/awards come when they’re tired and ready to shuffle off this Interweb coil, but I can’t let this honor go unrecognized. Write this day down in your calendars, peeps! The day that I play by the rules. And the rules are:
- Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends. (About to do it.)
- Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award. (Done.)
- Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award. (Yep.)
- Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit said post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor! (Did that too. Cool widget!)
My five awardees are:
- La Belette Rouge for being a brilliant, funny writer who takes hours out of her day to give me good advice, which usually includes, “Don’t send that angry email.”
- ENC of Observationmode for the same reasons as Belette.
- Jennine from The Coveted. If all her efforts on behalf of independent fashion bloggers don’t make her as rich as she deserves … well, this award will be pretty poor consolation for that!
- 39th and Broadway, whom I met yesterday at the fabulous Dream Sequins event, for saying something like, “I wish I could be as bitchy as you.” I’m proud to be setting the standards for bitchiness.
- Midtown Girl, whom I also met yesterday, because she’s the cutest cutie-pie that was ever baked. I mean, she’s like a pie baked by whoever it is who would bake cuteness. I don’t mean baked as in high. Not that I drug tested her or anything. Wait, what am I talking about?
Enjoy, y’all!
UPDATED SEPT. 10 TO ADD: Most days, I live vicariously through myself like the man in the Dos Equis commercial.
Today I’ll make an exception and live vicariously through gorgeous blogger Miss J of Marbella Style, who will be enjoying Madrid’s Fashion’s Night Out. I’m delighted that it was one of my posts that alerted Miss J to the event and beyond flattered by the kind words written about me. Keep it up, Miss J! The check is in the mail.
Whoa! This is great news, WendyB. I’m tickled for you.
About the beauty of the flowers I’ve been posting and your wishing you could be a flower so that I could make you look beautiful–honey, God already did that for you!
And about 1964 the TRIBUTE, I went online the second I got finished with your post and got my ticket. So, you’re my live-performance-guru, WendyB. Thank you! Did everyone sing along? I had so much fun!
LOL@ my advice. My, I am clever. Enc is too. And yes, I did write it in my calendar and as I too am not the best at playing by the meme/tag rules you will want to note for the record that I fully intend to follow the prescribed rules. This award is too momentous not to take seriously. Thank you, gorgeous! I am honoured!!!
Congratulations! I really feel this award is just right for you. I’ve always felt you deserve and earn every award ever made! EVER!
Thanks for including me in your recipient list, too. I really feel I’m in great company.
We like you, Wendy, we like you!!
Congrats on the award!
You kill me.
Spam word: “Jewel” and you are definitely a beautiful one. Thank you so much for this award, I LOVE it AND
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOU!!! You are SO much fun darling 😉
Loved meeting you and I am totally excited about Friday – cannot wait!
Kisses, MG
Congrats on the award…you totally deserve. love your blog….its always so much fun.
You have good standards!
BTW little woolf is helping me in my studies no end!
Good for you, very well deserved my dear!!
Oddly, my wv was Waved! I am waving hello and saying that I think you are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, fabulous Miss B.
Given that you have had more drinks and dinners and met more bloggers than I think any other blogger – I would think that you deserve this award more than anyone.
LOL! Sally Field 😀
Yes we like you!
oooh thank you, thank you! It was great seeing you. You so deserved this award, congrats!
I was tired. But you really were it! The whole thing!
How did I know Midtown Girl would be cutie cute in person? What a fabulously fun time that must have been with those girls!
Congrats! And nice choices – LBR is one of my faves!
That sally field acceptance speech always makes me smile lol.
Another funny and fabulous post, WB!
Congrats on your award!
Congrats! Sounds like it’s time for some tiny bubbles!!!
awr, congrats. sally feild is too cute.
Ha! Yes, we like you, we really like you!
You better start working, Wendy – my “Major Awards” are coming up in a couple of months…and I notice you haven’t been as foul-mouthed this year…hmmm. Maybe I’ll have to invent a new category for you.
Congratulations! Oh I love that Dos Equis commercial!
You and Midtown and D! I DIE. So jealous!
Your spam words are ALWAYS THE BEST! “groovy”
You my dear, are GROOVY!
congrats on the award and the recognition … is that the one where she say s”they love they really love me “?
im gonna watch it and see
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
p.s. I luv,luv, luv SALLY FIELD, this was GREAT!!!
you ARE a super scribbler! no one more deserving than mz wendyb!
congrats on your award pretty you derserve it. I had fun meeting all of you girls also
Congratulations….very well deserved!!!
Ah congrats 🙂