Yesterday, I had an eight-hour photoshoot for my new lookbook with model Tina J of Fusion Models. Every time I am at a shoot, I am shocked anew at how unglamorous a model’s day is. Poor Tina had to wedge rings onto her fingers over and over … then pry them off with some help from Vaseline. By the end of the shoot, her knuckles were swollen. For one look, she was lying on a piece of Plexiglass with photographer Shane LaVancher standing above her and her head balanced on a jar of pins (it was the only thing that was the right height). And I think she spent a full hour with her lips pursed, pretending to blow into my Virginia Woolf Whistle. Seriously uncomfortable. There’s also a lot of waiting around while we perfect the lighting … the job is definitely not all that it’s cracked up to be.
Here are some Instagram shots of the behind-the-scenes action.

Manicure by Sylvia.

Getting comfortable on Plexiglass and pins.

When dumbbells weigh more than the model, it helps to have muscle-y men around to assist.
Speaking of models, I wound up on some party planner’s mailing list and was amused to get this email about an event at Tiffany (spelling errors are not mine):
“Due to an overwhelming response for the Tiffany Event tonight, they have pre-wristbanded their VIP’s due to capacity and fire marshall issues. They will not be able to grant acces to my guests at Tiffany & Co. this evening. Any models who rsvp’ed will be admitted to the event, but they cannot bring any guests unless thier guests are models too.”
I wondered briefly if would-be guests just had to be tall and skinny in a model-like way or if they had to bring their portfolios as proof. Then came the followup email (again, spelling errors not mine):
“This is a message retracting the statement from the prior email that only models will be admitted and that their guests had to be models too.
We have been informed that the best looking guests will be admitted wether they are models or not. Models can bring whoever they want to the event. We were worried that good people might be turned away at the door, but have been assured that the best looking people will have no problem.”
High!Larious! No breakfast … or lunch, dinner or party at Tiffany’s for you uglies! Of course, a preference for the pretty people has been a door policy since the Studio 54 days, but to put it in writing and send it out to the world? On behalf of Tiffany, whose name is synonymous with high quality and good taste? I am clutching my pearls with horror!
The model you picked is gorgeous! Funny how much models go through to get shots though.
How crass are those emails.
Pretty damn crass! 😀
That’s fucking ridiculous but also awesome because it is so funny and dumb! Idiots. Tina is absolutely stunning, I can’t wait to see the look book. Will we be able to view its glory?
Of course!
Tina is gorgeous, I can´t wait to see the finished lookbook!
The Tiffany emails are hilarious, especially the second one. By the two first lines you kind of expect them to go “we don´t only accept models, our email got hacked, we´re not asshats, we promise!” but then they´re all “You don´t have to be a model as long as you look like one”. Good times.
True! I did have a moment of thinking they were REALLY retracting the email!
So can’t wait to see the lookbook!!! And lol at these two emails… No words, really! But I guess at least they’re honest?
It’s true that it might cut down on the crowd at the door. But that kind of defeats the purpose! The whole idea of Studio 54 was that you wanted to get in more desperately when you saw the frustrated people NOT getting in.
The Beauty Nazi emails are indeed hilarious! I like your choice of model – am looking forward to seeing the lookbook.
Tina was fantastic. Very happy with the shots. It’s amazing to see everything on the computer instantly and pick the shot you want.
It would be interesting to know who sent these or who approved them…brands are usually a lot more paranoid than to let something like this go out.
I emailed you the name.
And the email opens with a pronoun w/o referent: who are “they”?
Your lookbook in process looks gorgeous!
Wow, that email from Tiffany’s is utterly hilarious. they should extend that to their shop sign too “We are OPEN. Unless you ugly”
Please tell me that this was an outside event or PR firm that sent those emails – and that they have since been released. I cannot IMAGINE a brand would want that being publicized – especially with an image like Tiffany’s.
I’m speechless in pearls.
Wowsa! When you read the first e-mail it’s so absurd you think it’s a joke…but then the follow-up proves that they are not, in fact, kidding!
I’d nevr B admtded to that purty enywayz—Im not party enuf.
Thanks for sharing the photos of the lookbook shoot—I never know what goes on behind the scenes, and I’m glad to have had a peek! I hope all went well and that your lookbook is everything you want!
OMG, I’m clutching my pearls in horror as well! That is too awful.
It sounds like a rough day but your model looks great.
Those emails are hilarious. I cannot believe that someone would actually write that. I mean, say it diplomatically maybe, but to write it so badly?!
I followed the shoot on Instagram. Looking forward to seeing the finished product which I am sure will be amazing!
As for those emails, when I saw your tweet I couldn’t believe it and now after reading these emails…it doesn’t seem possible. Who knows how many people were on that email blast. oy.
and PS-congratulations on winning!!
HA HA HA.. thanks for the laughs!! Reminds me of the website for beautiful people only!!
BTW, shoot looks fun and your model is gorgeous!!
That is out of control!!
i think it is so cool that you got to do something like this
i love all the behind the scenes stuff!
Tina is beautiful and looking forward to your lookbook. Sounds like eight hours of very hard work.
That email is appalling! LOL re. the typos!
When rings gets stuck, use windex! Learned this from a jeweler when I thought I would have to have a ring cut for removal.
Can’t wait to see the final looks!
I’d be scared to spray anyone with Windex repeatedly over the course of an eight-hour day. Sounds a little dangerous! 🙂 But for a one-off ring removal, definitely!