I’ve been working on a swan ring to match my Cleves Necklace. Here is the necklace.
The Cleves Ring will have two swans facing each other, forming a heart with their necks. All together now: Awwwwww! Here is an unfinished wax model of the ring.

The unfinished wax model.
The wax model is a step in a process called lost-wax casting. Every so often, a glossy magazine interviews a jewelry designer who claims that lost-wax casting is a forgotten art. Say what? Hordes of jewelers use this technique. Jebus! People will say any foolywang thing to make themselves seem special.
I named the Cleves pieces for the fourth wife of Henry VIII, Anne of Cleves. I previously proved that Anne was a damn genius. (She wouldn’t fall for the “lost-wax casting is a top-secret technique” line, no sirree, Bob!) In honor of Anne, I will publicly swear on a stack of Vogues that anyone who buys a Cleves ring in either silver or gold is a damn genius. That will help you get a raise at work or straight A’s at school. Obviously, you need this ring or your life will be ruined. For more information on how to not ruin your life, contact me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com.
UPDATED TO ADD: Here is the finished product:
swans! man, i love it
youre brilliant
its not fair that youre artistic AND witty!
Dang, I really like this as wax. How much will I like it in precious metal?!
I agree with enc, it looks good in the wax already. Can you make a little Bjork ring to go under it – or will that ruin the theme?
I agree Anne of Cleves was a genius. She bowed out of the marriage and didn’t lose her head! I think I read somewhere that she was treated and feted as the “sister” of H8 ever after.
P.S. the necklace is gorgeous – I’m sure the ring will be too!
P.P.S. you are the subject of one of my “Daddy Likey” haikus.
Wow-this looks seriously stunning-a very clever and stylish ring in progress!
Amazing ring, you are SO talented!
Props for the creative name. I used to be OBSESSED with the whole Henry VIII clan.
so you draw these out, then carve them yourself?
i dont’ know why i thought a computer program did all this… sheesh, i think computers did everything.
Awwww! Sorry for being out of touch lately. I have to congratulate you on the Marie Claire article properly. My blog is coming out in an automated manner, all the posts were prewritten a month ago. Looking forward to finding the mag in local stores too, it usually arrives 2-3 months later.
I miss Fernando. Where is he?
If it looks that great in wax I can imagine it is going to look great when it is finished!
Awwwwwwwww, Ms B, very very pwetty.
Enjoyed the linked “tutorial”. It’s kind of like casting resin pieces, right?
enc’s got a point there – it looks hot even in green wax. Ever entertained the thought of making pieces from less precious material? Like a WendyB diffusion range?
Gorgeous! I am loving the necklace, and how bold the swan is against the black.
Like enc, I actually love the green wax! Perhaps the charm of the swan ring is the Feng Shui of 2008.
Love the necklace and I can’t wait to see the ring when it’s finnished!
Molly, flattery will get you everywhere. 10% discount for you!
ENC, the silver is actually already done, I just don’t have a good photo of it yet. It’s nice, if I do say so myself.
Cybill, hmmm, Bjork would be the ideal customer, wouldn’t she? Eh, she probably is sick of swans.
Tessa, love the haiku.
Except I was expecting
A long-form sonnet.
Sharon and Golden, thank you.
Jennine, some less-complicated pieces are done on computer. The Clemence ring, for instance. But the first step is still a model, in that case a resin model. The “lost-wax” process is the same.
Olga,thanks…I’m getting more into that pre-publishing thang myself.
Coco, thanks.
Likkle, yes, I have thought of it, but some of my pieces require too much labor to waste on metals that will turn your skin green. And personally I like the idea of having something with intrinsically valuable components. It doesn’t matter how expensive clothes, shoes, bags and costume jewelry are. If you take them apart, they’re worth nothing. If you take fine jewelry apart, it’s still valuable.
Ashe, SKM and Iheart, thanks!
I’m sure this will be as outstanding as your other creations. Graceful indeed.
I’m still waiting for the MC to arrive the newsstand I frequent. Dang, it takes soooooooooo long!
Hi Wendy-thanks so much for your comment just now-hope you didn’t mind me refering to your collection, as I’ve long admired it and find it a source of stunning inspiration!!
I love the ring. Can’t wait to see the final product!
It’s gorgeous!
I think the metal version will be outstanding but I’d be lovely in a carved stone of some sort too, I’d bet. Although, maybe harder to do.
Swans are such lovely creatures and i love your design!! It is so pretty(:
Very cool! Can’t wait to see it.
Really Lovely piece.
Wendy, that bracelet is going to be gorgeous! I’m sure its listed on the post somewhere but how much? I even kinda like it colored:) haha maybe you should make a plastic or glass colored costumey piece of it!:)
Culture, I haven’t set the prices yet, because I’m still tinkering with some things that affect my costs.
Instead of monogamous animals, how about promoting gibbons, who get it on with a frequency that would blow your mind? There’s already enough pro-monogamy claptrap out there.
Oh Wendy, that will be absolutely stunning. I really love the fact that your jewelry has inspirational women behind it
oh! i really love those. especially the ring. the wax model is gorgeous, i cant wait to see the real ring! let me know when i becomes available on your site!
I love this, such a lovely idea. Can’t wait to see the finished result!
I like it when you tell us stories about what it takes to be a fine jewelry designer…the steps you find yourself undergoing throughout the process…it’s educational and fun to read too.
Wow, Ms B, what an astute thought! I never saw it that way. I will now look at jewellery in a whole new light. Thank you.
I agree. I like the whole process behind making the jewellery… makes me appreciate what I buy 🙂
Okay – “foolywang” just made me laugh out loud, and yes, I did laugh.
It is my new favourite word.
Happy to be of service, Sunday Best.
Wendy, your jewelry is so beautiful! You deserve more recognition!