If you’re in New York this Thursday, you’re invited to come to my Indivisible Upper East Side activist meeting (regardless of where you live!) for what I expect will be a lively Politics 101 workshop, presented by Ben Yee of You Matter. I heard Ben speak at a different meeting months ago, and he was so inspiring that I’ve been trying to arrange this workshop ever since. Politics 101 will cover topics including political geography; the party structure in America; and, most importantly, how to engage in the existing system to really get things done. Here are the deets:
Politics 101 With Indivisible Upper East Side
Thursday, June 14
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Unitarian Church of All Souls
80th and Lexington
Basement Level
RSVP here
Please note: The meeting definitely starts at 7 p.m., not 7:30 p.m., as the RSVP page says. I’m getting that fixed! Also, a $10 donation is suggested, but not mandatory.
I figured I’d throw this event open to non-members because so many people say they want to do something about the swift onset of authoritarianism in this country, but they don’t know where to start. I’ve already blogged about Indivisible, ResistBot, and my weekly action newsletter, so why not Ben’s workshop too? It’s time to stop waiting for someone else to embody change, inspiration, and flawless leadership for us. We need to BE the change, inspiration, and leaders we want to see.