If you’re one of my U.S. readers, I hope you’re having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend.
I’m missing the barbecues this year, because I’m on my way to Las Vegas for the jewelry trade shows. Not only will I be there in person, but I’ll be there in virtual reality. As I mentioned last week, my collection will be part of the virtual reality “Store of the Future,” presented by CEEK VR and Richline. The experience is going to make people feel like they are in a futuristic jewelry store, as 3D versions of the jewelry pop up and spin around to show all angles, accompanied by background information, audio commentary, and video of me talking about my inspiration. I’m pretty excited to see it myself!
If you’re in the biz, come see me at JCK LUXURY. Email info at wendybrandes dot com to make an appointment.
Have a great show!
Have a great week. From somewhere over Georgia.