I watched Game of Thrones Sunday night (OMG, right?!!) then switched to the MTV Movie Awards right on time to see Eminem and Rihanna perform “The Monster.” Having seen the only part of the awards I was interested in, I then turned the television off and went out for some non-poisonous wine.
I definitely didn’t see enough of anything related to the MTV event to bestow one of my coveted Best Dressed/Wear What You Want awards. I take those seriously, y’all. I have to do the research before I hand one of those out. But I have made up a new award for actress Lupita Nyong’o. She wins The Dress Wendy Wants award for this Chanel dress.

Photo via Lainey Gossip. Click for the original post and to see MANY more pictures of the dress, including the fabulous back view.
You KNOW I would wear this one! It’s embellished, colorful, ruched, and it has a turtleneck with an open back. It’s so me! I suppose Lupita had to send it straight back to Chanel, so there’s no chance of her giving me a hand-me-down. Dang.
Anyway, I’m glad to see that Lupita has extended her winning fashion streak past the Oscars. Well done, lady!
Too fabulous!! I love the choice of a blue shoe, too. Perfect.
The shoe was really a superb choice!
I can totally see you in that dress!
Maybe Lagerfeld will send it to me next, LOL.
Yup. And you’d rock it, too. Gorgeous dress. I love these abstracted, international prints. One of the most creative approaches to fabric (not to mention construction) to get excited about that I’ve seen in a long time!
And isn’t she the most perfect beauty?
I love her — she’s so gorgeous!
And I really do appreciate a dress with texture!
I can TOTALLY see you in this dress, dear Wendy!! I adore the way it’s a combination of crayon-box cute and incredibly edgy…and those blue shoes?! Ka-pow!!
The blue shoes were a great choice! I would never have thought of that.