I constantly get these actors confused. I blame their names, primarily, but their faces don’t help me much either.

Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds.

Minka Kelly and Mila Kunis.
It’s especially shocking that I have this problem with Mila Kunis, even though she’s on one of the most important TV shows in the world.
Anything confuse you lately?
I can usually tell the Ryans apart, but right there with ya on Minka/Mila.
So many things confuse me, far too many to list!
Don’t feel too bad, I haven’t even heard of any of them. x
I can tell the Ryans apart, only because my best friend competed against Ryan Gosling in a junior speed walking meet when they were both younger. Every time the Gosling comes on a screen, she yells, points, and brags about how she beat him.
Hmmm. I’m going to use that factoid to jog my memory. “Katie’s friend beat that guy!”
katy perry and zooey deschanel
isla fisher & amy adams
jeffery dean morgan and javier bardem!!!
isla fisher & amy adams are the ultimate, plus pam from the office- those three are definitely the same person
To add to the confusion, both of the Ryans are Canadian and buff!
I tend to confuse the Ryans, but I’m not exactly sure who Minka Kelly is.
Haha the PGK and I always get the two Ryan’s constantly confused!
Mila Kunis was in that 70s show and Black Swan so I know who she is, but I’ve never heard of Minka Kelly. I also get the Ryans mixed up.
I don’t know who Minka Kelly is, but you’re right, she does look like Mila Kunis!
Ryan Gosling is the only one of those people I recognize. I can’t even really say why either; I don’t think I’ve seen a single one of his movies. I’m terrible with starlets and… hey, why is there no male equivalent for “starlet?” Whatever it is, I’m terrible with them too.
Josh Duhamel and Timothy Olyphant… those are two confusing hot boys…
James Franco and James Marsden. Cannot. Distinguish. Them.
ha i’m sure since both Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are Canadian that doesn’t help you either.
My hubby is always getting Rachel Bilson and Mila Kunis confused.
Who are these people?
Omg, and I thought I was the only one! Celebs, Schmelebs, they are all (mostly) pretty people getting papped.
Hehe, what an idea! 🙂
Ryan Reynolds can be confused with NO ONe
the minka/mila thing does confuse me
the amy adams and isla fisher thing is way to much for me
i mean these girls are from the exact same mold!
The question is… what DOESN’T confuse me lately?
What is wrong with me that I haven’t heard of any of these people? Am I no longer down with the kids? What TV shows are they in?