Gorgeous blogger Pretty in Black tagged me to write about five albums that changed my life. Trivia: I had the first four on vinyl.
1. Parallel Lines by Blondie was one of the first albums I ever owned. As I recall, my grandfather Sam got it for me when I was about 11. I can’t remember if I asked for it or if he picked it out himself because it was the hot record of the moment. I do remember being entranced by Debbie Harry’s hair and Stephen Sprouse dress in the Heart of Glass video. I still want that dress. I’ve been thinking of having seamstress extraordinaire Jean of Ghost Tailor make me my own version.
2. My grandfather also got me one of the Beatles’ unauthorized Hamburg albums. I think it was this one. I could be wrong, so I’m having my parents check the basement of their house for the album.
I am sure that I specifically asked for a Hamburg record and that my grandfather had to look high and low for it. My first Beatles album was the “Red Album,” but I had a thing for bad boys at an early age and was intrigued by the naughtier, sexier, leather-wearing version of the Beatles. My almost-husband Paul McCartney was seriously hot during the Germany years. Speaking of hot, how about John Lennon-Paul McCartney slash fic? Er, not that I’ve ever read any of that stuff. No sirree! I’ve just heard about it.
3. The first Duran Duran album introduced me to my other almost-husband, John Taylor, and inspired years of “New Wave” hairdos.
4. In 1984, while I was in high school, I identified with Age of Consent by Bronski Beat even though I wasn’t a gay dude. I did want to run away from my small town because I felt tragically misunderstood. I hung out with my main gays on Christopher Street whenever possible. We liked to check out the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop.
I’ve had a post about Bronski Beat lead singer Jimmy Somerville in draft form for about a year. I need to get back to that.
5. I was crazed about music in high school and lost interest in college. I got tired of all the judgmental music cliques. You know, Joy Division fans were more authentic and better than New Order fans, and so on. I don’t know why music fandom has to be so bitchy and competitive. I swear, it’s worse than fashion. Post-college, Nirvana’s Nevermind album was the first music that impressed me in years. The day I got the tape, I listened to it over and over again even though I had a terrible migraine. Basically, I listened to Nirvana till I threw up from pain. That’s love.
Smells Like Teen Spirit was the last song played at my wedding. It was also the song I was dancing to in this photo taken by Altamira at my 40th birthday party.
As usual, I’m not going to tag people, but if you want to be tagged, let me know in the comments and I’ll update this post with a link to you.
I feel I know you much better after reading this. Excellent post.
what a great tag! the beatles are so amazing and one of my constant inspirations.
awesome album picks, syill listen to that nirvana album & so funny with blondie, as i just did a post like a minute ago on how i LUV debbie harry's style!!
I had every album here( and yes, I do mean album) except the Beatles. Wendy did you link to Wiki to explain to the youngins what vinyl records are?
Hi there-fabulous post and a great reminder of all the sounds from the 80s!
This post is so wonderful. Two enthusiastic thumbs up for the Blondie & Duran. While I was never much of a Nirvana fan, I have to admit, I love knowing you're dancing it all the time.
There’s not enough John Taylor in my life. Or Jimmy Somerville. Have you ever seen Sally Potter’s film “Orlando”? Great cameo by Jimmy. (My John Taylor cameos happen in my dreams and cannot be related here.) Also, you had one rockin’ grampa.
Thanks for doing the tag, I’m glad you did. I learned some new things about you. I also learned that we have even more things in common.
This post brought back a lot of memories for me.
I’m not sure I’m ready to publicly admit the first record I ever owned.
That was one of Blondie’s best albums, if I recall.
i swear everyone has been touched by that nirvana album, some how, some way! this is a great tag! i think i might try it out.
I love Blondie, been listening to them a lot recently
Fab choices, esp. Nirvana!
So glad to see “my boyz” at #3!! You know…they’re in the studio now writing new music! Yippee!!
We have so much in common! Paul was ‘almost’ my husband too! 😀
Wow, what fabulous taste you had even as a kid! Duran Duran was one of my first “tapes” but I will admit that my first “record” was Thriller.
All of those albums resonate with me! The Duran Duran and Blondie ones especially. And I heart Bronski Beat!!
“Smells Like Teen Spirit” at your wedding? Awesome! I think I’d like a band to play at my wedding. Beirut would be cool but Patrick Wolf would be incredible. My future husband better have good taste in music.
Oh you have such awesome taste in music…Love Blondie and having Teen Spirit played at your wedding is pretty cool!
Haha, You’re right that strawberry necklace would be the epitome of strawberry love! It is so gorgeous!
Oh–I liked Bronski Beat! Haven’t thought about them for yeeears . . .
My name is Hammie and My first record was Dancing Queen. And it was a single. You will need wiki to explain all of that.
Ditto on nirvana, and i still listen to them over and over!
xx-LJ from SOS!
love that dress ure in at ure 40th birthday. i was shocked when i read that too. i had pinned u in early thirties, looks wise late twenties.damn wendy, whats ure secret?
When I was in elementary school I used to record myself on cassette singing along with my Pat Benetar album. I was pretty sure I could be her.
Love every one of these except the Beatles Hamburg…it just wasn’t happening, what can we say?! (This confirms your earlier suspicions, doesn’t it? Heh-heh-heh.)
Smiles at you Miss Wendy,
I love learning a bit more about you! =]
La C.
Excellent list — my family also had some of the Hamburg albums, none of which I can specifically identify. And I’ve rediscovered Parallel Lines so many times over the years! When I was a kid, I had a dubbed copy on cassette that someone gave my brother, but he was far too cool to listen to (he was busy popping the collar on his acid wash jacket). I discover something new in it every time enter another Blondie phase.
i loved listening to blondie from a young age! must be why i love her style now in my 20’s!
Great choices! Blondie is so awesome
Great choices! I was rocking out to Nirvana just the other day. That’s so cool you played it at your wedding! 🙂
Gret picks, that is my favourite Blondie album.
I think music some how shapes us or we shape it, I know it played and still plays a huge role in my life.
oh, very cool tag!
I was a Nick Rhodes girls myself.
that was hard, but i did it!
Wow, that was informative! I don’t think there are any music albums that changed my life, except maybe Rubber Soul at a stretch.
Do books next!!! I once did Books That Changed My Life. I ‘d like to see yours, Miss Wendy.
What does it say that I liked both Joy Division and New Order? Loved the Blondie album too but Nirvana I only began liking after you know who did you know what. It always seems that way with me. Originally I couldn’t stand The Smiths but as soon as they broke up, they were my new favourite group.
this is coolest tag ever! and your listof albums are amazing!
muah x
Awesome choices! I might do this too as this seems really interesting.
Ah yes, DD. That was such a great album and I love that you found the actual original album cover and not the one they re-released when they added “Is there something I should know?”.
Can you tell they’re still my favorite band?
Oh! I had a vinyl copy of Rio stolen from my mom in my bedroom as a teenager! Long before the retro love for them had kicked in.
You went from the Red Album to Live in Hamburg 1962? That’s a hardcore transition 😉