I’ve mentioned Prada nearly 30 times on this blog, but Miuccia hasn’t sent a thank-you note, let alone a fabulous bag. I’ve mentioned “2 in 1 Shampoo Plus Conditioner” Pert Plus one time and the publicist immediately sent me eight bottles of the stuff. I’m sure there’s a lesson to be learned from this. Let me know if you figure it out. I am too busy signing up test subjects for the full range of Pert Plus products.
I normally use Medium (for normal hair) but I will switch to Thick ‘n Full (for extra volume) as an experiment. MrB will get Pert Plus for Men in the Thickening formula, and I will monitor his hair for any signs of extra fluffiness. I will have to find some people to test the anti-dandruff formulas. I feel that might lead to some awkward conversations. You know, when the person doesn’t realize he has dandruff and you offer the cure anyway? That often ends badly. So, if you accept that you have dandruff and want to try a new shampoo, let me know. I promise to protect your anonymity. Maybe I’ll try it, actually. Just to be on the safe side. Who knows what people aren’t telling me.
I’ll report back with the results as they become evident. Stay tuned.
By the way, gorgeous blogger La Belette Rouge told me she used to wash Inkey the cat with Pert Plus and his hair always looked fabulous.
This is so funny! Pert came through with the product!
Save the dandruff Pert for houseguests that forget their shampoo. 🙂
I’ll try it! Shame is completely lost on me. LOL
Hi there-fab post, thats great to receive these, hope they live up to expectations for you all!
I guess I’m not the only person who used Pert Plus on their pets. My dogs got the Pert Plus treatment as well. Anyway, that was awesome of them to send you a stash of shampoo.
Ooooh, I am taking part-credit for the shampoo bonanza! (but I don’t have dandruff, sad to say)
Try mentioning Balmain!
There’s a saying in Swedish which statues that the world will pay you back for all your efforts with nothing but ungratefulness. (Quite many Scandinavian proverbs tend to be somewhat negative, very realetd to the ‘Jante Law’ which applies unfortunately well to most places here up north).
So then it’s always nice to see that saying proven wrong every now and then(…btw you never know if there one day will be a UPS guy ringing you door with a pair of appreciation Prada heels for you. Not that it’s that likely though but still, that twould be pretty nice).
There’s a saying in Swedish which statues that the world will pay you back for all your efforts with nothing but ungratefulness. (Quite many Scandinavian proverbs tend to be somewhat negative, very realetd to the ‘Jante Law’ which applies unfortunately well to most places here up north).
So then it’s always nice to see that saying proven wrong every now and then(…btw you never know if there one day will be a UPS guy ringing you door with a pair of appreciation Prada heels for you. Not that it’s that likely though but still, that twould be pretty nice).
Finally! The big guys have realized that its not only models and celebrities that have thick shiny hair!
I’ve never used Pert Plus, though its a big name around this part of the world (Gulf Region – Middle East).
that was nice of pert 🙂
You should post about toothpaste next! =)
That’s my husband’s shampoo of choice. Do they make a Pert Plus for colored hair?
this is too funny. it’s like my post on me trying to get volunteers to try out beauty treatments but yours is funnier. WendyB, if all else fails, you have a career in comedy! The next Tina Fey perhaps?
Gotta love free stuff! – ebay fashion addict
Not as cool as a Prada bag but still pretty cool. 🙂
When am I gonna receive free product?
Did I mention that Ban deodorant keeps me dry all day?
That is hySTERical, WB! You are quite the style influencer, even when you don’t mean to be 🙂
that is really cool of pert….
Oooo a swag-bag from Pert Plus- that’s so fun!
You’re making me nervous about the dandruff thing (i’m checking my shoulders now).
My husband’s only brand loyalty is to Pert Plus. He loves it. And his hair is always shiny and fluffy.
This is truly a funny story 😉
Stay Beauty!
Awesome! I think I’ll try it now…
Congrats on the free ‘poo for your do.
Wow – now that is blogging benefits.
this is hilarious! i expect to get your full report soon! 😀
Lucky you…so much for Perts…:)
Great for you!! Pert coming out your proverbial ears…
I would love to take some off your hands, but no dandruff problem here.
But I do have two little doggies—hmmmmm.
ahahha….now you have a year supply of shampoo 🙂
Have a wonderful day !
I know someone with a sister who could use the dandruff shampoo.
Wendy, Glad to see you got the products. Let me know what you think.
Deju Pseu: Yes, Pert Plus has shampoo for color-treated hair — Check out Revive & Rejuvenate.
CDP: Your husband might like Pert Plus' new men's line, which includes 3-in-1 (Shampoo+Conditioner+Body Wash).
Nicole for Pert Plus
I wish Prada would send you eight bags as a P.R. move!
(I know someone who has dandruff, if you don’t have any testees yet. ha. ha. ha.)
you are so funny.
Hurry up Prada on the free stuff! :o) and a girl always needs shampoo so this a cool gift Wendy.Your have such great humour honey.
big kiss,
love free shit. yay!
Inkey loved Pert. He was very brand loyal. His fur was fluffy, manageable, and behavin’.
jejej hilarious post!
I’m gonna mention Wendy B Jewelry in my blog and wait to see if the lovely owner sends me a gorgeous ring! Just kidding 🙂
I think you deserve some Prada leather goods..
xx-LJ from SOS!
puahaha that’s hilarious!
I have it on good authority (the internets) that Pert Plus Shampoo and Conditioner is excellent at removing hair dye. I do not know from personal experience, as shampoo +conditioner shampoos always freak me out (how can I condition WHILE I’m washing? That baffles and worries me!).
That is all. *** end PSA.
I’m totally doing a post on Pert! My dad used Pert for something like 30 years!
I actually lol’d at this post. You’re like the perfect endorsement of their “Great hair, no fuss” tagline.
Amazing! I’ve never had a freebie. I bet your hair looks ever so clean x
Dana, believe me, I wish I could!
Deirdre, I guess the internets should test out the “revive and rejuvenate” formula for colored hair. I’m going to test it on someone and report back.
I’ve mentioned George Clooney at least 100 times on my blog. I’m still waiting on the porch for him to show up.
Deirdre, I definitely understand your question of how it can condition AND shampoo at one time. It's actually a pretty neat & scientific process — basically the shampoo cleans your hair and when you rinse the suds away, the water activates the conditioner which clings to your hair because of postive/negative charges to form a protective seal. The key to getting the best results is finding the right conditioning level.
Probably more info than you wanted, but thought I'd shed some light. =)
~ Nicole for Pert Plus
LOL Suze!
This is too funny!
PERT smells amazing!! I love the stuff. Maybe the Prada bag got lost in the mail lol, but at least you’ll have nice smelling hair when the mail man comes with a special signed package from Miuccia herself lol.
I LOVE that they sent you shampoo! And thanks nicole from Pert for explaining the shampoo+conditioner thing, I always wondered what was up with that.
Now that is what I call a fabulous PR person. I have dandruff not ashamed to admit it and WOULD love to try it.