A great thing about coming in third in the 2008 Weblog Award’s Best Fashion Blog category is that I didn’t have to fulfill my promise to celebrate a first-place finish with one-armed push-ups a la 73-year-old Jack Palance on Oscar night.
I’ve attempted a one-armed push-up. I’m pretty sure my effort failed, though the concussion I sustained in the process might have messed with my memory. I am good at two-armed push-ups though. As Jack said, “As far as two-handed push-ups, you can do that all night, and it doesn’t make a difference whether she’s there or not.”
Someone else who didn’t have to live up to her campaign promise is gorgeous blogger Katrocket, who declared that “a vote for WendyB is a vote for boobs” and offered to celebrate a first-place win with a week’s worth of pictures of her own rack. But don’t feel totally deprived. Katrocket has offered a consolation prize here. Check it out.
the fact you can do any press ups at all means you are my hero! x
I thought I was all fit and in-shape until I tried doing a one-arm push-up. Yikes!
My push up count = zilch
yea, his job really couldn’t be harder…i don’t envy him!
yea, his job really couldn’t be harder…i don’t envy him!
Hi there-I’m useless at pushups of any sort, LOL!
one armed,ah,it wears me out thinking about it!
i love your jewellary,its so beautiful
and would like to ask if you wouldn’t mind exchanging links?
Hey Wendy,
Congrats on your success. And being able to do any kind of push up. I can just about manage a no-armed push up, which involves raising my head slightly off the floor… oof!
The Wardrobe Mistress xx
Dang that’s impressive!
i will take the 2 arm push up any day. still congrat to your 3rd place win.
I once managed a one finger press up . . .
. . . in my dreams!
BTW, thanks for stopping by at my place.
Congratulations, my girl. You did good. You know, third place is really much better than winning, take it from me. I won third place in the Miss Inland Empire pageant a few years ago, which meant that I didn’t get to ride on the parade float through town. But that turned out to be a good thing as the winner and runner up got pelted with rotten eggs and tomatoes while they waved to the crowd. Yeah, it was just tragic. Especially when I managed a great shot right to the winner’s face with a really smelly egg and it dripped down into her cleavage as she cried. Heh heh.
Wait! I mean….when someone in the crowd smacked her in the face with an egg. Someone else. Not me, of course. I’d never do that.
Almost better than the boob kind of “rack.”
ugh, one-armed pushups – i can barely do a couple regular ones without bending the knees.
i attempt push-ups at my pilates class every week. i fail every week. but this is why i vote for you at every bloggers-type awards – because you are able to do two-handed push ups!
i dont believe I can even do one press-up thats how rubbish I am at any exercise.congrats on coming third dear,was voting for you!