I ordered these Louboutins back in July, I think. Whenever they first appeared on Net-a-Porter. Imagine my surprise when they arrived yesterday!
Of course, they don’t fit. Now I have to send them back. It’s easier to take the One Ring back to Mount Doom than it is to return something to Net-a-Porter. Wish me luck!
“She’s going to have to fight a Balrog to return those, Frodo.”
UPDATED TO ADD: Interesting! Either Net-a-Porter peeps are big blog readers, or Sam the hobbit was secretly using my computer to contact them, because I got an email from Net-a-Porter about my need for a return even though I hadn’t said anything to them yet. I was intrigued by a comment they made: “…our delivery was severely delayed by Christian Louboutin, a situation over which we had no control.” I had been intending to cancel my order for these shoes, but didn’t bother because I figured they’d never turn up anyway. My theory was that Net-a-Porter got suckered into showing a Louboutin design sample that was never going to be put into production despite the orders taken on it. That happened to me once at Louis Vuitton; that bag just never happened. Even more fascinating: the note from Net-a-Porter was quite pleasant, without foolish comments about how I have to force the DHL guy who picks up the shoes to “inspect” them before taking the package (something that DHL doesn’t want to do, trust me). Maybe Net-a-Porter fired the Balrog who used to run customer service.
UPDATED AGAIN: In happier shoe news, I AM keeping the shoes below even though they’re not as divine
as fish feet. I already posted this lolShoes photo on my emergency backup blog originally, but I’m migrating all the backup stuff to the main blog.
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Kian says
OOOH but they are lovely.
Nice to see that you’ve thawed 😉
WendyB says
I need to never order shoes online. I can barely find shoes that fit in the store so online is just ridiculous. Unless I find fish feet. Then I will have to take a chance.
bitterbabe says
Ohmygosh those are so gorgeous!! Why did it take so long to arrive?
Mash says
welcome back sweety 🙂
those shoes are cute <3
Libertygirl says
What a shae: those are great shoes. I’m with you tho: shoes never fit me. And congrats on getting unfrozen. LG xx
Susie Bubble says
What a bummer that you had to take them back….
Lynn says
YAY!!! You’re back, that’s cool! Sorry the boots don’t fit, drop dead gorgeous. All the best!
Princess Poochie says
I so wanted those in the grey/white/black version. They didn’t even stock my size! So I didn’t get them. I’m bummed they didn’t fit you! I so loved them too.
jen says
Bummer! but now you’ll find something even better I’m sure.. maybe something like these http://www.barneys.com/b/browse/product.s?productId=489249
or ok my favorite Louboutin’s ever, thee boots! http://gnarlitude.blogspot.com/2007/11/as-we-walk-our-faces-through-spiderwebs.html
for some reason I just picture Anita Pallenberg in them and that makes them even better.
La Belette Rouge says
So happy to see you back. Missed you! Great shoes. Sorry they don’t fit.
Chic and Charming says
That is tragic, I am totally loving those booties!
Fashion Tidbits says
never mind the fit, how do you walk in those???
jenn says
Haha! I have just spent a good hour of my time reading your posts! You have an amazing blog!
Lynn says
Sex-AY lady! You “Make My Day!”. Check out my blog, but no obligation to pass on, I just want to tell you that I’d go ga-ga if you and your blog go missing!!
Thanks for keeping me company all this while.
Elisabeth says
Shoe ordering online is tricky.
But god… those are gorgeous shoes.
Angela says
Oh no, they look so incredible! Well, at least you now know the Net-a-porter folks are followers of your blog and are responsive to your opinion.
It makes me think a bit better of them, what with other big retailers completely ignoring blogger opinion (ahem, *Target*).
Miss Woo says
YAY for the freed blog! And yay for those incredibly amazing CL shoes too, how I drool over those red soles
Suzanna Mars says
But what about those Halstons that NaP is getting, all two designs? Will they be able to deliver? Will hell freeze over and frogs rain from the skies above?
Well, dammit about those shoes. I wanted to see how you’d wear them.
I have had a run of luck buying shoes from eBay, and then luck ran out. I thought I could wear a 9.5, but it turns out only my right foot could.
Blue Floppy Hat says
Those are incredible shoes! Will you be returning them now?
Patent Shoes && Rants says
both shoes are pure awesomeness!
Imelda says
I adore the Louboutins!! They are absolutely amazing!!!!
Glad to see you back in bussiness!
123Valerie says
I really feel like the flower foot is the all-occasion shoe, WendyB. You could wear that with anything, and it’ll never match.
I love it.
jennine says
the miu mius are adorable!
that’s so funny about net-a-porter…
WendyB says
BB, Apparently because Louboutin couldn’t produce them! Interesting, isn’t it?
Mash, thank you! Glad to be back.
Liberty, thank you! And because of the shoes, I tend to buy any shoe that I like that fits me even if I don’t “need” it at the moment. Because who knows when one will fit next?
Susie, I know! And I have to fight a balrog to do it!
Lynn, thanks for cheering me on.
Poochie, aren’t they beautiful? I was hopeful when I took them out of the box. On the other hand, since I just got flower feet, I wasn’t as concerned as I might have been before.
Jen, I heart those boots.
LBR, but they weren’t red, so not too much of a loss.
C&C, but at least I have flower feet!
Fashion Tidbits, easily! I have feet like Barbie…always on my toes.
Jenn, thank you. I’m good at wasting everyone’s time too!
Lynn, that made MY day.
Elisabeth, please! Wipe off the shoes or I won’t get my refund.
Angela, I really wonder why I got that email. It must be magical hobbit help.
Miss Woo, I’m so relieved to be back.
Suzanna, for a second I was like, frogs from the sky would be kind of fun. But then I decided it would get old really fast.
Floppy, yep, they have to go back. Uncomfortable shoes are harmful to my mental health.
Patent & Imelda…there is no denying their beauty.
Val, I’m going to quote you in an upcoming post.
Jennine, now I feel really paranoid. Both Google and Net-a-Porter are going over my posts with a fine-toothed comb.
Suze says
Great – now what are you going to wear to church since you have to send the first pair back?
Fashion-DescipleXXX says
wow, so pretty, me likey. wish a humble stud like me cud have sext shoes like that.
Cee-Cee says
ah, Louboutins!
Secretista says
KiKi says
hebden says
You are a brave woman…ordering shoes online…and being able to walk in shoes with heels like the Loubs…I am in awe…
Jill says
Those shoes are wonderful things to behold, weird seeing them ouside a magazine or ad campaign. Lovely, even if the Loub’s are going back.
Isabel says
Those Louboutins are HOT! I’m glad you are keeping them!
altamiranyc says
Those CL shoes are amazing.
WendyB says
Isabel, no no…the Louboutins are going back and the Pradas are staying.
Hebden, I think I really need to stay away from online shoe ordering from now on.
Guerreira says
I am so loving these new intricate heels popping up this season!
In Yr Fshn says
I am so happy you are back!!!! And posting about shoes!!!
Iheartfashion says
Ooooooh, I love the Prada flower shoes! I can’t order shoes online either, having huge (41) feet and being too lazy to bother returning stuff.
ambika says
Lolshoes! Even better than any other lol-iteration I’ve seen so far.
Must do a version of this…