I found a blog called Dog Art Today, “devoted to daily dog art from around the world.” I should clarify that while I love dogs, I don’t dress mine up in little outfits (well, they each have one winter coat for very, very cold days) or carry them around in my purse. Regarding the purse issue, Pekingese must have been much smaller in the old days. Supposedly, noble Chinese ladies used to carry them around in their sleeves, but I think even a very large sleeve wouldn’t contain 15-pound Henry. I wonder if that whole sleeve story was invented by a savvy Pekingese publicist. “Oh, yes, we’re noble dogs…so you won’t mind if we blow our stubby noses on your walls.” I have two Pekes now, and one that had to be put down last year. My gorgeous parents have a Peke as well, as does my gorgeous sister. Pekes are very inbred, so if you yearn for one, please don’t get one from a pet store. Chances are the breeding will be exceptionally lousy, the dog will have all kinds of health issues, you’ll get fed up and take it to the pound, and I’ll end up with another jacked-up pound Pekingese. Here’s a picture of Gigi.

Gigi the dog
I really owe her her own post, since Henry got one. Oh, and she’s only part Peke, that’s why she doesn’t have the flat nose. I think she’s got a little Gene Simmons in her because she’s got a tongue that just doesn’t quit.
It’s so early (to me) and now all I can imagine is what kind of dog Gene Simmons was, um, “breeding” with and how that came about. Your dogs=cutest ever. Since one of my cats weighs almost 20 lbs., we can’t get a little dog that I want so much. We are afraid the cat would sit on the puppy and kill it, or something to that effect.
Ooh, you have to get your big cat on the cheezburger site!
I totally should! I am a tad overprotective (ie giving bf the silent treatment if he makes rude comments about their weight), but I think that’s a good idea. Who captions them? I don’t think I could bring myself to write in that “cute” language.
I think you can caption them yourself….there’s some widget-y thing called the lolcat builder on the site 🙂 I liked the pic of one of the cats where she (he?) kind of had her paw over her face, like “no pictures, please!”