I’m so sad to read that actor Andy Whitfield, the star of the first season of Spartacus, has died of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 39.

Andy Whitfield as Spartacus.
My stepdaughter and I watched when Spartacus premiered on STARZ in January 2010. The first episode was truly terrible — something that deserved a “Worst!TV!Show!Ever! comment — yet something drew us back for the second episode. It must have been the full-frontal nudity (male and female) and graphic violence. Miraculously, the writing got better and better and we became totally addicted. After a while, we would have watched the show just for the plot and characters. But we got to have our cake and eat it too, because there were great scripts AND sex and gore. Woot!
When Andy, who played Spartacus, was diagnosed with cancer, it didn’t seem too bad at first. The producers obligingly delayed the second season and produced a prequel mini-series while they waited for him to recover and come back to work. Then, alarmingly, he took a turn for the worse and was replaced with actor Liam McIntyre for the coming second season. But I still thought Andy would pull through, because … well, look at him! How can you not envision him with a sword in each hand, slicing and dicing cancer’s ass while looking fabulous in a tiny loincloth? Alas, it was not to be.
We’ll miss you, Andy Whitfield! You’ll always be the real Spartacus to us.
I am so saddened by this! he was Spartacus to me! And he was a great actor.
I was even going to watch the series again yesterday because I have it on DVD…weird that I had that urge after hearing this news.
It is quite shocking to hear he died because, like you, I thought he would pull through.
R.I.P. Andy Whitfield
I can’t imagine anyone else as Spartacus *sob*
I was seriously hoping he’d be back for a third season.
OMG! I had no clue. I have been waiting for this show to come back for ages and now without him. It wouldn’t be same. So sad!
I know, I was so shocked and sad by the news. A great Spartacus. RIP.
Cancer Sucks!
oh no. that is so sad.
… Such a shame.
very sad 🙁
If only life was more reasonable … and the young lived well and long.
This is really terrible. Like you, I assumed he would pull thru with treatment. Dammit!
How tragic and sad, I feel awful for his family. RIP
I heard this news earlier today and immediately said a prayer for his loved ones.
WendyB, thanks for stopping by to look at the Edna C. and Lynette dahlias.
How sad. Cancer is an evil bitch. We’ve lost too many fabulous people to her!
that is so sad to hear. you always truly believe that someone so young and strong can come out ahead of cancer, and it is so much worse when it beats them.
Wow. I’m really late on this but I had no idea, I am still catching up on all the news that happened while I was out of the country. This is so sad…I agree, Spartacus was like a car crash but he just seemed so strong. I had hoped he’d beat it.