Was the WWD headline “Miuccia Plays The Lace Card” offensive? Amusing? Neither? Does it make a difference to you that Prada used its first black runway model in years at the very show that WWD was reviewing?

UPDATED TO ADD GUIDANCE FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKERS: The headline is a play on the phrase “playing the race card,” which means that someone is making a false accusation of racism. Click the link for examples.
i was mildly offended and amused at the same time, which resulted in an awkward cough-laugh.
Ooh. Those hurt!
I believe that all colors should be represented in the runway as long as they are the same height/weight/ etc.
With regards to the Prada’s lacy dresses, they remind me of my grandma’s curtains only that the runway versions are more expensive.
oh dear!
well, you gotta love the fashion industries love of inappropriate puns….
hmm…..what’s up with prada not using black models until now?
That title is slightly cringe-y, but not the end of the world.
That’s what I say.
The dress reminds me of Spanish infanta circa 1600. http://www.costumes.org/history/stibbert/214.jpg
Naomi is the best model ever, btw. And the designers keep chosing the scary Agyness Deyn.
the black lace reminds me a bit of a funeral in the 1900s or something.
The Funeral of the Spanish Infanta in Granma’s Curtains. Nice name for a lookbook listing.
It’s a bit inappropriate, but since the accusation is in some ways backed up I have to say I can see why they’d say it.
if my undies are lacey does that make me racey?
I’ve heard Miucia searches for girls with blank looks when she has people scout for models(How Sasha and Gemma were discovered).I think models are becoming way more diverse these days, so maybe she is just moving with the times?
PPIEW, well, I guess so since you’re knocked up!
Probably inappropriate and not necessary, but at least it got our attention away from the campaigns for five seconds.
it could be offensive…but it the end they must not care enough to publish it. PC is out the window!
Completely irrelevant of this post: I’m sorry I’m such a poopy blogger friend. I love the bloggin’ snot out of you.
It would be offensive if the person reading it actually practices the game. I’m too used living in a multiracial country, so it doesn’t hit me. At the end of the day everything is a state of mind, you decide what’s good for you!
why not have a sarcastic dig at her, I bet she will use more black models in future! I said on my blog I wasn’t overkeen on the collection, love the previous comments you have about Spanish funerals and grannies lace curtains!
’bout time for Prada to use something other than the blank-faced aliens that have been parading the runways for so many seasons. I understand it may be about creating a uniform look, with the models as essentially mannequins for the clothes, but she’s ignoring such a huge demographic by not using Asian or black models.