Last night, MrB and I went to a screening of the HBO movie Game Change, which premieres on HBO on Saturday. The movie is based on the book of the same name, written by journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about the 2008 presidential campaign. The book covers Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, the Republican primaries and John McCain. The movie focuses more narrowly on McCain and especially his choice of Sarah Palin, then the little-known governor of Alaska, as his vice presidential running mate.
A friend of mine who had read the book before seeing the movie thought the latter was kinder to Sarah Palin. Julianne Moore certainly delivered an empathetic portrayal of a charismatic woman who is uneducated and apparently uneducable. I felt for Moore-as-Palin when the unrealistic expectations placed on the ill-vetted candidate cause her to slip into a near-catatonic stupor. An Emmy for Julianne Moore would get my vote.
I decided to break out an unworn pair of boots for the preview. I figured it’s now or never for boots. Seeing as the temperature in New York City is in the high 60s in March, April’s will probably be in the 90s. That’s not good boot-wearing weather. I got the boots at Prada in January thanks to a combination of the post-holiday sale and a birthday gift from my gorgeous mother, BarbaraB. It’s been my policy since 2008 to get something out of the norm whenever a sale and a gift arrive at the same time, which is how I ended up with these.

Gigi's expression says, "Seriously?"
I tried on the boots in the store while wearing my uniform of jeans, black t-shirt and interesting jacket. Everything seems to go so well with that! Last night, I realized I had no idea what else I could wear with the boots, so I hurriedly put on a lot of black. I couldn’t decide if the blush-tone suede made me look like I was wearing knee socks, or like I had unnaturally thick leg skin. Also, my knees looked as uneven as the surface of the moon next to the suede. Over all, I felt a little silly. I don’t mind looking silly if I’m doing it intentionally, but I wasn’t aiming for silly last night.
What Wendy Wore
Sweater and skirt: Alexander McQueen (2004)
Boots: Prada (2012)
Expression: Uncomfortable
Pose: Stiff
I’ll have to come up with a different look for the boots’ next outing — something with tights, as much as I hate to wear those. Got any ideas? Leave them in the comments.
Love the dog picture…cute outfit!
What about something like colored or patterned tights. Or you could wear it with a pencil skirt that hits just at the top or just over the top of the boots. I think they would go really good with red too.
Love the pencil skirt idea. I was thinking longer would be better. I should have something that will do! Thanks!
They’re gorgeous boots, but I know how you feel – I have some pieces I just can’t quite work out how to wear. Personally I would have gone for plain black tights (something of a uniform for me right now) and then a shorter skirt to show off those bad girls. The black tights (or perhaps leggings – though I don’t really approve of them) would show off the lovely pink suede and clearly define them as boots rather than sock or leg.
I like this idea too! Getting them away from skin seems to be the essential thing.
Lovely boots. I bet you could play off the retro-maryjane look of them fine. They’d look smashing with a red dress (casual or dressy).
I have similar issues with my farylrobin boots. The suede part looks like socks or something massively distorted my ankles. They’re stretching a bunch as they’ve been worn too so it only gets worse!
Poochie voted for red too…hmmmm.
I don’t agree about the silly. I love the trompe l’oeil effect the blush suede has the way you wore the boots here.
I wonder how cool the boots would look with black top, black (short!!!) mini, black tights. Superb, I bet.
Black tights are definitely called for.
Yup, the boots are incredible but tricky! You look great, don’t worry(!!!). I would also try black fishnets; I think they look good with everything.
P.S. My anti-spam word is rickroll. Is this a joke? As in Rick Astley rickroll, i.e. “I’ve been rickrolled”?
I think I’m in the minority, but I think the boots look great with this outfit!
Well, that makes me feel better at least!
I agree! I think it works beautifully!!
Love those boots. I think some black tights would have helped you feel more comfy although I reckon it looks good as is. I wear boots with skirts/frocks of this length a lot, it’s kind of my go to look.
The more I look at your boots, the more I love them. I wish I had access to such delights. Where they online anywhere? You look fucking awesome x
Aw, thanks. Gonna try them with tights next time. I do believe I saw them (on sale!) on and It was a little while ago and I’m not sure if those ship Down Under. But I bet any similar type store would have/had them.
I love those boots and I think you wear them well with that outfit. Gigi’s little face! All puzzled, like you’ve tossed your legs at her and said “Walk yourself from now on!”
Hi Wendy, loved these boots! I think you could pair them with the Alexander McQueen top you wore in Miami (I read your blog you know!) and black pencil skirt!! Or with anything dull neon green (I mean not shiny neon!) Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I love those Prada crazy leg boots – I’d wear them all the time to hide my varicose veins.
I want to hear more about the film. That picture of Gigi is sooo funny. She looks totally confused by your boots — possibly wondering if they’re shoes with your (thick) leg skin! LOL
BTW, I’m not sure about black hose/tights with those boots. Would look cute and color blocked, but I think the illusion of the “flesh colored” suede is a very cool concept.
cool boots!! also loved the check me out nail art!