It’s always a thrill to feel the love from other bloggers. I’m delighted that shoe designer Celine of The Shoe Girl named a new design in my honor.
And it was fun to do a “closeted” interview with 365 Fashion Rehab. Click here to read my interview and here to follow 365 Fashion Rehab on Twitter. You can also follow The Shoe Girl on Twitter by clicking here.
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How very cool!!!
So exciting! They were my favorite shoes!
i can see why she named this shoe after you
i don’t know you, but that shoe reminds me of you if that makes any sense what so ever
checked out her blog and it is adorable
I can’t wait to buy it!
Congrats, Wendy! Going over to read your interview too.
How cool! The shoes are very you, too.
Gorgeous… just like its namesake.
What an honour! They’re a drop dead gorgeous pair, too, just like their namesake. x
Like Brett said, I don’t know you, but somehow these shoes are you! Gorgeous.
That shoe looks “just like you”! Adorable!
Congrats on the shoe, Wendy! It is oh so fabulous! Thank you for doing the Closets & Cocktails interview and for linking back. It has been a pleasure! Love, A&P
Photos please of your cute feet in those shoes!
Those shoes are fabulous!I can’t wait to see what outfit you will plan around those babies!
Hi my dear! What cute and stylish shoes, just like you!! Congratulations on the Brides feature too, wonderful news indeed xxxx
WOW! That’s a great honor. They look absolutely adorable and awesome – like you!
Ooh, how exciting to have a shoe named after you. And it’s gorgeous!
You’re very own shoe? That’s exciting! Almost as good as your very own dress 😉
Off to read the closet interview…
Thanks so much for being a part or our Closets & Cocktails feature, Lady B! It was an honor to have you!!!
Love, A&P
365 Fashion Rehab
…oops! Guess my partner in crime already commented!!! So consider that a double thanks!!! Or does this make it triple…? (good grief!)
Love, P
365 Fashion Rehab