I’m so sick I can’t follow a Law & Order plot, so I whiled away a couple of hours staring at vintage clothes on eBay. Here are my favorites. Click the pictures to go to the auctions.
Click to see my Patrick Kelly dress!
Click to see the black jacket from 2008.
And I keep stumbling onto green pants.
If you bid on anything, don’t forget to snipe to win. Also, check the seller’s feedback before bidding or buying. I prefer 99.5% positive feedback or higher.
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Aw honey, I hope you’re fighting fit again real soon.
I prescribe comfy pajamas and endless cups of tea.
The YSL jacket and the Patrick Kelly dress have your name written all over them, WendyB!
As for helping me with the jewelry, methinks I need to earn much much more so I can own a piece of Wendy Brandes. My favorite piece is your Lady Jane pendant (as I mentioned before: http://www.topazhorizon.com/2010/02/see-jane-die.html). I’m really going to buy that one day!
Hope you feel better soonest WendyB!
Hi there-you’ve picked some great pieces here, I really do love yours and the ebay Patrick Kelly dress! Have a great weekend! x
I hope you’re feeling better pronto! I so wish the Patrick Kelly dress was my size, i really love the style ): I recently found the little doll pin he gave me back in the 80’s, yay! She needs to be re-strung, which has kept me from taking a pic for you but I’m actually heading out for supplies today (Halloween time, gotta make the PGP’s costume!) so maybe I’ll be able to find the correct elastic for her & then she’ll be good as new!
Yes, I wanna see.
Hope you get better soon. And thanks for your comment on my blog, it was not my intention to belittle the efforts of the IBC organiser as I can’t imagine the work she puts in. You’re right, I did judge it based on the words of only a few of the guest speakers. I wasn’t impressed with what they had to say, but I was wrong to suggest that their comments’ lack of substance was an accurate reflection of the event as a whole.
Ah, I used to be obsessed with Versace jeans when I was younger – I would’ve been all over those green ones, and I wouldn’t have cared that they made me look like an elf (or perhaps something scarier). Hope you’re feeling better soon 🙂
The Zandra Rhodes jacket is fantabulous, I would love to swan about in it with a sweeping hat, red lipstick, and a cocktail to throw in someones face ala Joan Collins.
And I would love to see that.
ps hope you feel better soon. Everyone seems to be coming down with the pre-winter cold, I had it last week too x
What? You can’t follow Law & Order? I have never been that sick and hope that never happens. L&O is currently entertaining me during the day while I job search. But that YSL jacket makes me weak in the knees. I need some income stat!
I know, right? I’m really sick. I should probably be in the hospital if I can’t follow Law & Order.
feel better boo
Aww, I’m so sorry you’re sick. We had a bout of a nasty fall cold thing recently, and now with Arm Baby in the mix I don’t think it’s ever going away!
And I recommend bourbon, hot water, honey, and a big lemon wedge stuck through with cloves. It’s a magic potion, and I bet Mr. B could make a fabulous one. If not, I’ll be right over 🙂
So much color and life! And I hope you get feeling better soon.
The photo of the Patrick Kelley dress is amazing. Oh, and so is your much much longer one, haha.
Everybody I know is sick right now. I hope you feel better soon! And just because everyone needs a Jewish mother in their life: Be sure to get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids! [Then I bring you OJ and chicken soup.]
What? Girl, I can’t see you wearing any of these things! Ok, except the leopard dress. 😉
I’ve been told my taste is bizarrely eclectic at times!
I thought you must be feeling better if you were blogging already! I hope you get well soon.
What a lot of great finds! I really love that white origami jacket.
hope you’re feeling better already. . and glad to know that even though you can’t follow a l&o plot you can still make such great pics. . that origami jacket blows me away.
thanks for the tip on the mac lippie. will hafta try one when i pop into mac next!
I don’t take any credit for the pictures — all I did was save ’em to my hard drive 🙂
That origami jacket is stunning.