Thanks to Facebook, you really can’t escape your past anymore. That’s not a good thing. Let’s grab Facebook and beat the crap out of it!

UPDATED TO ADD: “Yellow knee socks” was a good guess. For some reason, she looks more like me than I do. I’m the Swiss Miss sitting next to her.
I’m guessing red turtleneck and yellow socks? A fashion icon even in the 2nd grade! Love the haircut, too. Very Joan of Arc.
Girl with bangs, far left, second row from front?
Haha, awwww that’s so cute! I hate seeing old photos of myself online.
And thanks for the comment 🙂 xx
That’s adorable!
I want to say second row from the bottom, far left or the one next to her.
My there were a lot of gingers in your 2nd grade class!
I’m gonna say second row, far left, yellow socks and red sweater?
What do I win? An autographed copy of this photo?
Please, please, plese let it be Wendy—the Tyrolean MilkMaid second from the left, seated.
You must be the cutie pie with the yellow knee socks!
This is classic! Loving the knee socks on all the girls. And yes, for all that Facebook is kinda cool for finding old friends that you’ve lost touch with, it’s also a reminder of why you lost touch with most of them in the first place 😉
So I’ve totally got your back on that Facebook beat session…
I’m going to guess you’re the second from the left, on a chair, wearing the fetching blue skirt and waistcoat-y thing?
Love your yellow socks!! And, that big smile hasn’t changed much.:-D
Aww what adorable little kiddies! My guess is on the young lady on the far left with the yellow socks. I love the plaid skirt!
PS. Lou Reed is turning into such a cranky old lady. Your comment made me giggle!
i am guessing the girl with the yellow socks too.
red turtleneck yellow socks all the way
Swiss miss.
…left the second row from front?
Love the autumny colors on old pics!
White tights!!! I could be wrong but I don’t think so.
Do we get prizes for this? ;)Seated, first on the left – can’t miss that brilliant smile and shiny hair.
Anne Boleyn necklace please, thank you. Teeheeee!!
That is too cute! But i totally agree that sometime Facebook can be a bit much! Yellow knee socks = awesomeness.
I was going to say Yellow Knee Socks, too! yellow knee socks are sassy, but white stockings are very chic.
You were very fashion avant garde as a kid! I love your hairdo
adorable. that red socks was smiling too intensely to be you. like she had something to prove.
I got it RIGHT!
Hi there-without the update, I would have gone for Miss yellow socks too!! Mind you, you look ever so cute and trendy in your outfit!!
Congrats to ENC.. I wouldn’t have guessed. She has eagle eyes.
By looking at the bigger version though you were the best looking kid there!
hehe i thought yellow socks was a dead ringer! but swiss miss is so cute, and so you!
Oh my gosh, Wendy! You look absolutely adorable! I also have a post on someone posting an old photo from first grade. I had no teeth!
I totally zeroed in on yellow socks, too. You were adorable in the alpine get-up!
I love that I was right. White tights outfit screams fashion!
That’s really cute:-)
OMG. If I was a casting director I would have picked yellow knee socks to be you in your biopic. Swiss Miss looks a little too tame to be Miss Wendy B. Guess I’ll have to wait for the movie to understand your evolution.
BAAAAAH!!! SO cute!
aww you were a cutie pie honey! love you in that sweet outift and the bun!