The customer of the day is a member of my Golden Girls Gang: Amanda.

The Golden Girls on New Year’s Eve 2012. From left: Amanda, WendyB, Tina, Stacy.
Amanda got one of my big, sterling-silver letter rings: an “A” for “Amanda.”

All the letters are available on my website. If you have trouble finding yours, holla at me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com for help.
I like that Amanda keeps me up-to-date on the ring’s activities. It goes for sushi …

The ring having sushi.
… visits Atlantic City …

The ring in Atlantic City.
… takes tours of vineyards …

The ring at a vineyard.
… indulges in happy hour …

The ring at happy hour.
… and appreciates a good manicure.

The ring with a fancy manicure.
Amanda told me:
“Whenever I wear [the ring] people always notice it. How can they not? I’ve had a lot of fun with it … I like to take it places and take pictures of it enjoying itself. It makes me smile and I get excited to think, ‘Oh, where can the A ring go now?’ I like to wear it on dates or out with my friends. I like to wear it when I think my jewelry should be a little fun.”
“I kinda think of it as its own person,” she added. “It’s soo big. Well, for me it is.”
That’s a good point to bring up. Some petite wimmins think they can only wear delicate jewelry, but teeny-weeny Amanda boldly wears a big-ass ring. How teeny is Amanda? A little over 5′ tall. That’s actually taller than she thought she was. She believed for a long time that she was 4’11” but, upon re-measuring a few years ago, found an extra inch lurking about. I’m always hearing stories like that: people who were once told they were a certain height later re-measuring and learning they’re shorter or taller. I’m going to try to avoid any measuring devices because I’m happy with the 5’4″ that I believe myself to be.
Anyway, thanks for sharing all the ring pictures, Amanda! I look forward to its next adventure.
I love that she took pics with it out on the town! I’m another wee pixie who loves your big pieces. Sniff, I shrunk an inch when I injured my back so now I’m 4’11, boo! XXX
You and Amanda changed places!
Haha Yes! Now I feel like I should make special adventures for my swear rings! Hey you should get all your customers that buy your jewelry to do “adventure” series! How fun would that be? XXX
Hey, I need to do a customer of the day post about you!
Nah, I’m shy. Besides I think you did or linked to my posts when I got each piece of my Wendy Brandes gorgeousness! (Which are still my fav pieces of fine jewelry to wear, and *always* get compliments!) But you may see my hands having some swear ring adventures this summer! XXX
Yep, I did post about you, but that was pre-Customer of the Day official posts! 😀
Looking forward to the rings’ adventures.
Gotta get creative… this’ll be my fun summer project… oh dear must do nails! They broke a bit whilst pink-ifying my hair the other night!
Adorable. My favorite one is the ring having sushi.
The adventures of the “A” ring!
This is so funny! I love the traveling ‘A’ — like the Travelocity gnome, but a lot cooler!