I take back everything bad I’ve said about Courtney Love because I’m loving the contact high I got from her insane interview with The Fix, a website about addiction and recovery.
Courtney isn’t as compulsively quotable as Charlie Sheen. There is no “winning” or “tiger blood” or “I am on a drug, it’s called CHARLIE SHEEN!,” though I definitely need to use Courtney’s “Who do you think you are? Barbara Fucking Walters?” soon — maybe when MrB asks me something harmless, like, “What did you do today?” Where Courtney triumphs is in the name-dropping department. A few examples, with bold highlights added by me:
- “But we’re talking about fucking Kelly Osbourne, you know? This is a girl whose life I have saved twice, once with C.P.R. and another time with C.P.R. and violence—by which I mean I had to poke her furiously in certain places to wake her up from her coma.”
- “…Kim Stewart also called me when Paris Hilton got pulled over for her last D.U.I. And Lindsay Lohan called me after she was arrested.”
- “But I also went out with Edward Norton for four years and didn’t do any drugs or walk a single red carpet in all that time. “
- “But it’s all Andy Dick’s fault, really. He handed me a pill right before the show and said, “Courtney, take this, it’s like Vicodin without the aspirin.” It fucked me up bad. Winona Ryder slipped me a similar pill a few months earlier.”
- “A few years ago, at Ted Demme’s funeral, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson dared me to walk up to Harvey Weinsten and tell him off.”
- And my personal favorite: “But as Gwyneth once said to me, ‘Once you’re A-list, you’re always A-list,’ and I try to remember that. “
I feel vicariously wasted just from reading remarks like, “I believe in moderation, so I had a glass of rosé a few weeks ago. The other night, someone offered me a bump of cocaine at an art gallery opening, and I did it.” It’s like on Family Guy, when Stewie gets messed up because Meg smokes pot.
At least I know where to go to get straight. Out to sea! As Courtney said:
“If I ever need to detox again, I’ll just rent out a yacht. You can get another addict, and for 40 grand a week you can both rent a boat with a crew of 10, and bring along 12 of your friends. Think about it: you cruise around the Caribbean, and whenever things get rough, you can dock at some exotic port. Of course, you’ll probably spend most of your time puking in your cabin, but there’s a doctor on board, and you’ll have all the meds you need, and you’ll be surrounded by your friends.”
Count me in! Well, only as long as Love promises to refrain from “energetically expounding on a broad range of subjects from Carl Jung to Karl Lagerfeld,” as she did to The Fix’s editor-in-chief Maer Roshan. That would be more of a buzzkill than Buzz Killington.
I hate her for the whole Nirvana thing and mostly crap music but I love her because she is so mental.I almost met her in 1991 but she just shoved me out of the way! Tres amusing.
Fucking hell, I just read the interview with CL. What a deluded bullshit artist! She is so full of shit.
She certainly knows of which she speaks!
Hang on, did I use that expression correctly?
I beat her up once. I’ve never hit anyone in my life but I did her. She screamed back, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” Ah, being young was fun. 🙂
More details please!!
I love that my anti-spam word was “CSI-Vegas” – anyway…
I shouldn’t have posted that but I did so I’ll spill it:
I know The Strokes, not super- besties or anything, just casually. This happened almost ten years ago and she still gives me a wide berth when she sees me.
Julian invited my friends and I to his show and backstage. He and I were speaking and she approached me and began screaming and cussing and physically moving me. At first I kind of ignored it. Then, she hit me very hard and I heard my ribs make this sound. Something came over me- honestly like a fog!
Keep in mind, the room is packed with people, we’re in like sardines.
I turned around and hit her like- 10 times. Then I turned back and continued talking to him.
There was no security anywhere and people were clapping and the band was like, “we’re so sorry!”
I hate the fact that I did that but then sometimes there’s this part of me that says, “It was Courtney Love and she really did deserve it.” 🙂
I hope you are around to defend me if any celebs try to mess with me! Awesome.
Yes, I’d like to hear some more too, please! 🙂
I love Courtney she is as crazy as they come in rock and at least she is not the manufactured don’t want to say anything to offend anyone kind of pop boring musician!
You’ve got a point. She isn’t boring. That’s for sure.
Can’t say I don’t love her. <3 Seattle pride? Sure, Seattle pride.
When was she ever an “A-list” celebrity? Kurt and Courtney are like the Sid and Nancy of our time..only Court is like a cockroach…ain’t nothin’ gonna kill her…
I realize I’m dating myself as I write this, but the Hole album “Live Through This” was my soundtrack at one point during my college career. So I’ve always maintained a strong affection for Courtney, albeit from afar. From what I’m reading here, though, it sounds like the best relationship to have with her is a fantasy one, since her real life self leaves something to be desired in the idol department!
That Courtney, she really quotable isn’t she?
Ooops, I missed the word “is” in my comment.
what a loony bin, this personal beat down story is pretty awesome though. Im surprised more people havent done it!
wow, what stories! I’ve never really had a prolonged interaction with a celebrity before.
that family guy clip is one of my favorites
Have to say when you read what she says you do begin to wonder if you’re Stewie! xx
Wow, how to pick a favorite quote, I’m having a hard time deciding between her drug counselor doing drugs with Sting or her Kim Gordon abuse. So much to love.