When I wrote the title of this post, something about it seemed familiar. I finally realized I was thinking of a line in The Berenstains’ B Book: “beautiful baboon blowing bubbles.” Please note that that is NOT a comment on the appearance of any of my gorgeous blogging clients. However, it might be a sign that I should write a children’s book. Of course, if I wrote a children’s book, it would have to be something like “Everybody Curses” or “What to Expect When You’re a Goddamn Baby” or “Pippi Longstocking Will Beat Your Ass, Eloise, so Step Off, Bitch.”
Anyway, as stated in the title, beautiful bloggers have been buying baubles. Meet my latest satisfied customer! Here is Oh Lady E enjoying her silver Borgia Ring. I like how she’s mixing it in with her other rings. I love a ring on every finger.

I should take this opportunity to say that I am really honored whenever any of you fashionable bloggers purchase Wendy Brandes Jewelry. I know you choose me partly because I threaten you with the Beatdown Ring. Still, there are so many fashion items competing for your hard-earned money, some of them created by equally menacing designers. I mean, hello! Karl Lagerfeld! I bet those fingerless gloves can deliver a stinging slap. But I digress. Further thanks for being supportive/scared into submission go out to the following gorgeous bloggers:
ENC of Observationmode, who did her Blonde Steel pose in honor of her Lotus Necklace. She also bought a skull ring for MrOM;
Susanna of Jewel Box Dreams (seen wearing the Lotus Necklace);

My fellow Ossie-Clark fanatic Sharon;

Mama Fasha, seen wearing her “Y” Boleyn necklace;
My favorite stalker, Practically Perfect in Every Way, who has the matching Diana Ring and Necklace;
Whiskeymarie, who I hope has taken her Juana Skull Necklace out of the box;
Alice Olive, whose Flickr account defied my effort to save the beautiful photo she took of her Boleyn Necklace; SkyBluePink, who has been too shy to share a picture of her silver Squirrel Necklace; and the extremely generous Deja Pseu. DP, aka Susan, won the Diana Necklace in the auction I held to raise money for blogger NieNie, who was badly burned in a plane crash.
Susan also won immortality thanks to my auction. I’m going to design and name a piece after her. Susan, don’t despair! I’m working on it. Really. Earrings with a green stone, for sure.
I will also mention Gamutrice of The Gamut and Stef M of Sideshow by the Seashore who were gorgeous friends and gorgeous clients before they turned into gorgeous bloggers. I know it’s hard to believe I’ve been away from a computer long enough to make friends in the real world, but it’s true.
I hope I haven’t left anyone out of this list, because I would hate to hurt anyone’s feelings. If I have left you out, it was unintentional on my part and clearly the work of the Devil. Blame him. (An aside to non-bloggers: I couldn’t possibly attempt a list of all my gorgeous non-blogging clients because even I have to sleep once in a while. But I would love it if you would do like Melissa and send me photos of you wearing your Wendy Brandes Jewelry, so I could write a post about you.)
For any blogger who wishes to earn the title of “gorgeous client” for her/himself, I recommend you take a look at my rapidly expanding silver collection. Pick something out and DON’T put it in your shopping bag. Instead, email me at wbjewelry at hotmail dot com. As I’ve said, I’m having a trunk show on November 19. If you are an out-of-town blogger, I will give you the trunk show price, but you gotta ask for it.
Finally, I’m mildly amused that I’m having a trunk show at a place called Pink Elephant. Maybe next time I’ll do a snout show at the Spotted Pig gastropub.
Gorgeous gallery of gals wearing wonders created by WendyB!
OMG–the comment moderation letters phonetically sound sort of like “Say yes to her!” The letters are sayestor. Isn’t that a hoot!
Honestly Wendy it is such an honor to own a piece of your jewelry. I love my necklace (and the fact that I was the first ‘Y”! Go me for marrying someone with a cool letter!).
And now I am off to view the silver 🙂
Hi there-this is such a fantastic post, its great to see everyone in their beautiful WendyB pieces-I’m honoured and soo pleased to have my Diana ring.I think every blogger should aspire to owning a piece of WendyB!!
wow! they all look so lovely!
Wendy, I get so many compliments on the engraved Diana necklace! I’m not worried about the earrings; I know they will be fabulous!!
ooooh I just LOVE that poison ring! So lovely – I was admiring it just yesterday 🙂
Everybody looks FAB! in your masterpieces!! 🙂
i sent an email!!!
Put me down for a copy of the Pippi Longstocking book. You must write it. Only you could do it justice.
Oh, that picture of me is so silly! I had a lot of fun doing it, though.
Everyone you pictured is that much more beautiful as a result of wearing WendyB jewels.
And we’re worth it!
ok, it’s time for another wendy b piece! the holidays are coming, right? (i’ve got the freakin’ songs stuck in my head from already hearing them play so i know it must be the holiday season). and the holiday season means it’s time to give gifts to the ones we love (and also treat ourselves to something special while we’re in the giving spirit). so i’m thinking about what i should give myself (or what mr. mvp can give to me). hmmmm.
Gorgeous bloggers made even more gorgeous by your designs. In your free time would you please write those children’s stories. The titles alone were more entertaining than any children’s book I have ever read. Pleeeeeez!
What fabulous taste we all share! (I must document the silver lotus necklace too….)
Alice, and your sister too!
WendyB is a triple threat: she’s gorgeous blogger, talented jewelry designer and threatening threatener. Miss Janey has become a-feared of what will happen if she doesn’t become a gorgeous client.
Ah, yes, the teddy bears approve very much!
And it’s almost my birthday, so I might pick up another little bauble for myself… hehe.
I’d like to buy once I have money! 🙂 Until then, I’m just stalking you.
Hi my dear-Your love of books and Ossie Clark has earned you a bookworm award from me!!
Lucky bloggers! They all look gorgeous in their WendyB bling.
Someday I’ll give in and go for a WendyB piece! The squirrel necklace is very tempting…
Incidentally, your hypothetical children’s books titles have reminded me of The Bunny Suicides by Andy Riley. Have you seen those comics? If not, Google them and prepare to laugh.
i LOVE the lotus flower necklace … hmm … i might have to pass this link along to santa.
I will take the Pippi Longstocking and “yes they are green eggs, now eat them already”
And some jewellery, one day.
How is Nie Nie?
I absolutly LOVE the heart engrved necklace!! I want/need one!
ohhhhh I love your jewelry. I wish I wasn’t so poor at the moment.
cute as satisfied customer pics.
Ooh the signature necklace is very cute 🙂
The children’s book titles reminded me of that episode of Sex and the City where Carrie proposes writing a children’s book…but for adults hahah
It’s amazing how many bloggers are sporting Wendy B jewelry. I really like the first ring and skull necklace. Great job!
It’s amazing how many bloggers are sporting Wendy B jewelry. I really like the first ring and skull necklace. Great job!
^^ ahhh me too! haha
the lotus necklace is stunning!
What a galerie of beauties made more with your gorgeous pieces.
And your heart is soooo big to post it.
If I had one piece I would proudly show it to everyone, but I’m too poor and too far for that… 🙁
Have a great weekend.
LOL! I loved the titles of your children books….
Lovely jewerly!
that’s so cool!
and im loving the 2nd title of the children’s book. you should write one for your sister’s baby 😉
i promise to send you a photo tomorrow after i get my hair done. vanity has taken over these days… 🙂
Wow I love this jewellery. It is really different and unique.
Lisa, I forgot to respond to this earlier, but they day before you wrote this, I reread both my Bunny Suicide books.
Any friend of Enc is a friend of mine.