The term “effortlessly chic” has been overused to such an extent that it has surpassed “aging gracefully” in its ability to irritate me. Not only is it a fashion cliche, it’s inaccurate as well. Being effortlessly chic and/or gracefully aged requires effort AND good genes. You all are now banned from using “effortlessly chic” or any variant thereof until further notice. Violators will be Despensered. Thank you in advance for your obedience.
The Management
The Management
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word homie g. i hate that phrase. it’s a cop out. oh look, skinny jeans and tory burch flats, that is ~so effortlessly chic~
They’re mutually exclusive.
Wow I totally hear you. I also hate ‘fashionista’ but how many other words are there for a stylish person? I’ve used both before. I apologise profusely and I will try not to do it again.
Oh, I can be very guilty of this overworked phrase-I will take note as I don’t want to be Despensered-I’m gagging at the merest thought of it!
very oversaid!!
Since you’re banning terms, could you make a note, when awards season returns, to ban use of the phrase “old Hollywood glamour”?
Oh, dear. I say this a lot. I like to think I have a very specific idea in mind when I use it, but… Hmmm. this will require some thinking.
this picture is very hard.
Way to lay down the law, Wendy. Don’t think I’ve ever employed the phrase, but I certainly won’t in future.
Oooh, I thought you were going to involve Edmund Spenser in some way . . .
i’ll try to stop using it, but i’ll be honest it’s going to be hard to come up with yet another annoying phrase to describe my sytle. i’ll let do the work for me. how about simply dapper? gracefully stylish? easily elegant?
you are so right 🙂
a kiss
haha, you’re right on, even though i’ve used it… alot, ugg haha
*blushing furiously* I have to confess I’ve used the “EC” phrase before.
Motion to replace “EC” with “sophisticated insouciance”?
Say it like it is Miss WendyB.
Miss J has never turned this phrase. She’d sooner turn a trick. Looking truly chic is something Miss Janey rarely acheives and when she does, she has exuded a lot of effort to get there.
Hmm. Sorry, I can’t obey. I think the saying makes perfect sense. At least, to me. “Effortlessly chic” to me just means your outfit couldn’t look better on anyone else. I mean, if I wake up one morning and I don’t know what to wear and I just throw on something and it turns out to be a hit outfit, well then, isn’t that “effortlessly chic?”
I consider myself “effortlessly told” now.
Ah I’m guilty as hell for over using the word effortlessly chic! Must stop now for I do not want to incur the wrath of Isabella ;p
Fashionhead and Lisa: High Fashion Girl just used “casual cool.” I approve of that (only if it’s used occasionally, however).
Secretista, “effortless chic” tends to be used when a very good-looking woman rummages in the closet for her perfectly fitted cut-offs, pairs them with her perfectly t-shirt, puts on a great pair of shoes and puts her perfectly maintained hair into a messy bun. All of that involves careful wardrobe and grooming management. And the good genes come in when someone makes boring jeans looks special because she’s naturally beautiful!
Belle, that’s the classic case!
ENC, yep.
Smaggle, fashionista doesn’t bother me so much for some reason. I guess because it’s obviously silly. “Effortlessly chic” is so serious.
Sharon Rose, I’m glad it’s so easy to keep you in line.
CDP, that might deserve banning too. Let me wait till the next awards season when it will really bother me.
Sal, I love to lay down the law.
MissJ, you kill me!
Gwen, take that!
Miss Woo, at least Isabella throws a nice party after executions.
hahahah to gwen.
i totally use effortless and chic but not so much together…do I?
I do think the same outfit on two people can look totally different based on a lot of factors. Some people just have a carriage that doesn’t seem as beleaguered or labored or straining or self conscious. Does that make sense?
I agree, Diabolina, that certain people have personal charisma that enhances their style. But considering that I see “effortless/ly chic” used a couple of times a day — I don’t feel that everyone is so damn charismatic.
I have never (to my knowledge) used the “EC” term. However, in my neck of the woods I have been known to refer to some women as “Effortlessly Soccer Mom”.
Hehe I have “casual cool” in an upcoming blog post that’s sitting in Blogger right now. I’ll save “sophisticated insouciance” for another day.
effortlessly chic. effortlessly chic. effortlessly chic. effortlessly chic. wow, that was abnormally fun!
how about “fashion emergency?” i’m sure i’ve used it, but shouldn’t words like “emergency” be used for real emergencies only? otherwise it may confuse our civil servants and waste taxpayer monies.
Those are the two worst words on the planet. Who decided that looking like you don’t give a crap is now cool?
(Probably teenagers, now that I think about it. Dammit.)
That phrase has never been used to describe me.
I’ve never been effortlessly chic.. so am glad to read that it doesnt really exist and that its just a term thats been used way too much! 😉
I am guilty! Don’t harm me. I promise to desist.
Oh let’s toss in “the natural look” or “effortless beauty” – as in she only wore foundation, coverup, mascara, blush, lipstick, and a soupcon of shadow … just a touch of translucent powder.
(This was very funny, thank you.)
I’ll back you up on banning that for sure.
Also “aging gracefully” which is usually applied to people who’ve had excellent plastic surgery.